130 X 36 x 36 inbound...any suggestions?

For anyone interested, I believe they came in between 1.5" and 2.5", I assume Ted will get a 1.5"

btw, curious where you heard this...did you guess based on pics?
other than Koji's pic, no info on these fish has been released...
just spoke with Rufus...the water temp. that the peppermints were collected in was 76 degrees and they were caught at 400 feet...insane...
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That seems really warm for that depth

yeah, it is amazing...I had read that in Kiyoshi's book and found it hard to believe...lol, here is solid info, just amazing...lol, I may actually use a heater...
did you find a recent article? only reference I found outside off rc is a mention of the rumor that dd will be getting one, and it even listed a price...
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What temperature does your tank run at currently? I have mine at 78, do you think that's too high?

Unfortunately I have not found a recent article, it appears I made a mistake earlier, the other article I found was a few months old as well
What temperature does your tank run at currently? I have mine at 78, do you think that's too high?

Unfortunately I have not found a recent article, it appears I made a mistake earlier, the other article I found was a few months old as well

I have not used heaters in a long time...I would think the tanks ave about 74-75 year round but it would be cooler and not hotter if I am off...
OMG, simply amazing!
I saw the pic and assumed you would be getting at least 2 or 3.
Congrats and make sure to post lot of pics!