2 wave box plus 3 6205 on 435 gallon mixed SPS ?


broke but happy

i have 2.5" teeth for my overflow to accommodate the good wave action.
my only concern is it too much flow on a mixed reef tank?
i love softies including mushroom and have a sugar size sand thin bed that already blown by my 3 6205

or will 1 6215 will be enough

my current tank dimension 96x 36x 29

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I personally think you would likely end up with a Wavebox and an Extention with that kind of footprint to get a good wave. You could easily start with one and go from there if desired though.

As for flow I dont think it will be too much, they are a very gentle flow and should not disrupt the sand like the streams do. Though you may end up dialing back the 6305s a bit. Keep in mind you will get some splashing in the overflow since it is on one end of the tank.
I personally think you would likely end up with a Wavebox and an Extention with that kind of footprint to get a good wave. You could easily start with one and go from there if desired though.

As for flow I dont think it will be too much, they are a very gentle flow and should not disrupt the sand like the streams do. Though you may end up dialing back the 6305s a bit. Keep in mind you will get some splashing in the overflow since it is on one end of the tank.

Thanks I only have 3 6205
I have about 3" gap to work with on the top before it splash hopefully it's good enough
my tank brace and crossbrace was made like a regular glass tank crossbracing plus I have extra 1.5" of gap to work with because of the longer teeth
I think you will need 1 6215 and 1 6215.500. If you are using the 7096 you could buy 2 6215.500 which are controllerless waveboxes as the 7096 can serve as the controller. I think you would be very happy with the set up and it should provide good flow to all areas if set up just like your first illustration. Though it may be better to put one 6205 between the two waveboxes to get a bit of directional current from the other side.
Roger i though you are on vacation?
thanks for the suggestion
like this

i have the return flow using reeflo dart on the middle of the overflow box where the 6205 will be at so can i skip the 6205 on the middle of the overflow box? and just run 2 6205 and 6215 and 6215.500?
Not really vacation, it is a work trip and being the only one in the US I have a responsibility to take care of things as best I can, though a had a few days on my fiance's business trip last week in Anguilla, I have the sunburn to prove it. But I am stuck in Newark now, damn volcano.

You could start with 2 6205, the Dart has less flow than a 6205 after the head pressure, it may be enough, but it may not. The good news, plenty of 6205's were shipped today so the shortage will be over soon. We should get them at our warehouse late next week.
2 wave box plus 3 6205 on 435 gallon mixed SPS ?

Thanks Roger
I think having extra tunze in between the wavebox / in front of the overflow is not ideal for my set up because it's to bulky

can this work?
i bought a older wavebox (just because its a a tunze)
plus a new 6212 this weekend hopefully it works
I agree with Joe, the 6045 cannot be controller, but then again that may not be important to you, you do have plenty of flow. The 6045 flow only reaches 3-4 ft though. It is not very strong.
for some reason i get really good wave on the side of 6205 and 6045 3"

but not much on 6205 and 6212 side
There are two possibilities, the wave is not tuned properly or the wave is spilling over the overflow and losing its height as a result. If the wave is a single wave with one crest and one trough, it is tuned optimally. In that case it is just falling into the overflow, but the resulting flow should be about the same. A durso pipe to raise the overflow could help but there is not likely a real benefit to doing that.
2 wave box plus 3 6205 on 435 gallon mixed SPS ?

I think I found the problem
The power supply wires is loss and the wires is somewhat exposed I noticed that it did not turn on.
The wavebox is a 1.5 years old but a older model i think. The previous owner has a reciept from so cal tropical in fullerton but I am not in good terms with him. Can I send it in ?
Thanks Roger
PS: I can take a picture tomorrow if needed

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2 wave box plus 3 6205 on 435 gallon mixed SPS ?

Also I put some rubberband on the bottom of the wavebox to have good seal and move the wavebox 2" away from the overflow box and it's now generating .5"-1" wave but I am still concern about the power supply

I am wondering if I get a extension can it generate 3" of wave?

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An extension would roughly double the wave, but keep in mind that a wave much bigger than 2" will add a lot of stress to the tank seams and could shorten the tank life much more drastically.

I would like to see a picture, this maybe something simple you can repair yourself easily, but I am not to clear on what you are describing.
i will be very happy with 2" wave with the extension and maybe i don't need to run 3 6205 on the tank just have 2 on the opposite side of the wave box and have one as a back up
here a picture

That transformer belongs to a 6260 type wavebox pump, which is a pump we haven't made in 3 years. There is very little that can be done to fix up this model wavebox pump. I only have that model transformer available used. It looks like the strain relief bushing pulled away from the polyurethane potting resin, it isn't a big concern. I don't see any open or loose wires, that is a boot that covers a wire to prevent it from being torn by pulling and not the actual wire itself. The transformer is splash resistant but even if this was sealed will not survive being soaked.
That transformer belongs to a 6260 type wavebox pump, which is a pump we haven't made in 3 years. There is very little that can be done to fix up this model wavebox pump. I only have that model transformer available used. It looks like the strain relief bushing pulled away from the polyurethane potting resin, it isn't a big concern. I don't see any open or loose wires, that is a boot that covers a wire to prevent it from being torn by pulling and not the actual wire itself. The transformer is splash resistant but even if this was sealed will not survive being soaked.

i knew it the previous owner lied to me.
can i buy another transformer for this and will it work with 6212 ?
What you have is a 6212, the 6212 used 6260 pump until mid 2007 and then we switched to 6261 and last November we switched to the 6215. All are compatible with the same controllers and look very similar, but the pumps are different. There are two solutions for the transformer. The 7410.602 which is the one you have, I only have used, they are not made anymore, but I have good used ones. We do have 6200.800 new, this was a larger power supply for the 6200 Stream, voltage is the same but it can handle a 80W load while the 7410.602 can handle only 60W. It works the same for all practical purposes and those we have new. They are $66 + shipping. The 7410.602 used I would sell for $30 shipped. From what I can tell from the picture, I wouldn't consider the transformer a big problem.
what is a big differences beside the magnet on brand 6212 and 6215?
is the pump on the 6215 a lot better?
because i will pick up one from so cal tropical this weekend
new 6212 is a lot cheaper but without magnet but i am sure i can used the 6045 magnet to hold it in place

PS:i take used one
can you please send me your paypal account
thanks again