200G AGE inwall with fishroom

Someone is doing some bang up work on your molding and the carepentry work in the house side of your tank. The work in your fish room is also top notch.
Thanks! The tank has been ordered butthere is still some work to do such as water storage, finishing the RO/DI, plumbing, sump, frag/fuge ...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15475931#post15475931 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Dejavu
Nice fish room! Is that three power bars I see ;).

Yessiree 18 controlled outlets! My last freshwater planted tank was highly automated and this tank will be no different, maybe a little more complicated (understatement).
The tank is 3ft tall and 30" deep front to back, but only 45" wide. I already have a Sfiligoi XR4 400 watt MH with 96 watts of T5. I was planning to see how that would work out, but am ready to supplement with 4 more T5 strips (36" is all that would fit). I forget the specific wattages, but it's 30-something, so another 120+ watts of T5.

Any advice?
Need some help please!!! AGE is asking for standpipes and bulkhead fittings to be shipped to them so they can be sure to design the tank properly. I'm guessing they need the bulkheads to countersink the holes in the PVC base. I was going to go with Hayward bulkheads with the HEX shape. Anyone have a good source for these? USPlastics is out of stock of the 1" variety, but I've had good dealings with them in the past.

Also, what size should my three overflow tubes/silencers be? 1" or 1.5" ... I'm guessing 1500-2000gph from the Dart Gold return pump (some of the return will be routed elsewhere like chiller, some reactors, etc). I was going to go with the 3 x 1", but didn't want to undersize. AGE is recommending the Champion Silencer overflow tubes ... Does anyone have any experience with these? They look like a modified Stockman tube, but not sure.
You can get your Haywards at bulkreefsupply.com - great people to deal with and they usually have the best price.

I have a Gold Dart as my return and use 1.5" PVC for the overflow pipes. I couldn't find where you describe your overflow, but if it is at least 24" long I would suggest using the Herbie/Bean Animal design. Tried and true and absolutely silent and dependable. Here's a couple pics of mine to give you an idea of what I'm talking about:

The two pipes on the left are the return. Third from the left is the failsafe overflow. It only comes into play if something is wrong and the two main pipes are partially plugged. Second from the right is the full syphon overflow - it handels 90% of the water flowing to the sump. It has a valve with which you can fine tune the system. Then pipe on the right is the "open channel" overflow. It handels whatever the full syphon is not taking at any particular moment.



Here's a link to the original Bean Animal thread. It explains the whole concept in great detail:

Silent & Failsafe Overflow System

If you got an overflow that lends itself to this design, it's definitely the way to go. Can you tell I like it? :cool:
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I've read the BeanAnimal thread and was set on using it, but saw some space constraints in my setup. Your modification (internal) looks great!!! I think I can adapt that for my setup, but I may have to use the (more slender) 1" tubes. I think it should be plenty of flow for my smaller 200 gallon tank. If AGE ever get around to sending me a schematic, I hope to post it here.
Darn ... looks like BRS doesn't have 1" Hayward bulkheads listed on their site (out of stock I guess) ... Still looking ...
Sorry, didn't catch the fact that you were going with 1". I think you'll have trouble finding 1" Haywards. They've recently changed there molds and the 1" BHs now have a extra long thread. Makes them a little awkward to use, at times.

Savko.com has Sched.80 1" BHs, real good quality, but they are round, not hex.
I ordered some through drillspot.com ... Their website claims that they were in stock.

I ordered the BFA version. Apparently there are two versions, not sure entirely of the differences. I'm guessing most people use threaded x threaded bulkheads ...
Plan from AGE came in finally. Was thinking about moving the corner return holes for the OM 4-way closer to the corners, making the Calfo shorter (vertical height of 12"), and adding a fourth bulkhead in the Calfo to streamline return plumbing. Any other suggestions? Guess I'm getting much closer to tank build! I think they just need me to approve the plans ...

Your plan looks great! That's going to be a fatastic tank. Love the height - just wish I had longer arms so I could have gone so high. :cool:
Thanks ... I really appreciate your build thread too. Other peoples builds have typically given me the best ideas ...

The height is going to be a problem for me too. My arms are decently long, but the only access to the tank will be from the back directly over the Calfo. I'll have to make a solid wall mounted shelf above that so that I can lean over to do any kind of in-tank work ...
A couple of pics from inside the garage during construction and after:

Before from the first page:

And as it is now:

I've built that stand since the last posts and have stacked a couple water storage tanks. The top will be RO/DI water and the bottom salt storage. I have yet to plumb them. I don't even have a tank yet. Sheesh I think I may have gone crazy, but hopefully all the work will be worth it.

Those are 250 gallons EACH, by the way. PLENTY of water storage. I'm planning about 5 gallon water changes daily. By my calculations (in Spock fashion), I estimate there should be enough water for automated daily changes of 5 gallons for 50 days ... almost a couple months. I'll have to mix up 250 gallons at once every 50 days or so. Probably more like 45 days because the bulkheads are not quite at the bottom and there will be some water in there still that won't come out through it.

Couple more shots:
