Need some help please!!! AGE is asking for standpipes and bulkhead fittings to be shipped to them so they can be sure to design the tank properly. I'm guessing they need the bulkheads to countersink the holes in the PVC base. I was going to go with Hayward bulkheads with the HEX shape. Anyone have a good source for these? USPlastics is out of stock of the 1" variety, but I've had good dealings with them in the past.
Also, what size should my three overflow tubes/silencers be? 1" or 1.5" ... I'm guessing 1500-2000gph from the Dart Gold return pump (some of the return will be routed elsewhere like chiller, some reactors, etc). I was going to go with the 3 x 1", but didn't want to undersize. AGE is recommending the Champion Silencer overflow tubes ... Does anyone have any experience with these? They look like a modified Stockman tube, but not sure.