Good to know Chris! The plumbing is underway. Unbelievable the number of trips I've made to the local big chain hardware joint just to pick up a fitting that I forgot about or didn't know I needed. I have a worktable loaded with fittings, but nevertheless, sometimes I don't have the right one. And to make things worse, I'm kind of a perfectionist! Well, after seeing some of the plumbing jobs on this board, I'm not so sure how much of one, but that's what I thought anyway ...
I'm in the middle of assembling the closed loop and the return plumbing. When you say you had to lower the main siphon, do you mean by more than typical, just to avoid sucking air? I'm wondering if it wouldn't be a good idea to have one of those length adjustable PVC unions so that I can control height easily without having to recut and glue a standpipe ...
I'm kind of in a bind in regards to the bulkheads. They are 1" only, but I'm going to use 1.5" pipe for drain lines. I'm hoping I'll be able to fit 1.5" U-tubes in the Calfo for the standpipes, but it's looking pretty tight. I may have to cut up some elbows and make real tight U-bends. Otherwise I'll have to downsize, but I can adjust flow from the return pump to compensate ...