200G AGE inwall with fishroom

Oh it happened alright. Sure enough I had butterflies in my stomach the morning of the big move in! Here are some pics of the tank, some pics of the sump in it's place in the fish room, a pic of the remote display and control for the battery backup system that's above the cabinets, and a couple of Reeflo pumps that need to be installed, one for CL and the other for return ...










Okay, I'm wondering...how did you ever get that tank in that spot with the external overflow? Did you have to attach it after the move in?
Wow, nice work! That's going to be a really interesting display in that location. Did AGE make your sump too?
Keep posting pics!
Thanks fox!

Mark, the whole tank slid in from the front. There is about a half inch or slightly more clearance from the wall on the top and sides. When you ask AGE to build you a tank xx by yy by zz it comes EXACTLY as you ordered. Probably better than 1/16" precision. I knew about this when I ordered, so that's why I left very little wall wasted. It's not a very long tank because of the space that it's in, so I tried to make up for it with height.

hat ... Thanks! The sump was made by a local reefer that does aquarium stuff for the LFS's on the side.
I finished that tank install this weekend with the drain like yours. :) It works great.

I had to lower the main siphon pipe in the overflow so it wouldnt suck air, then slowly closed the siphon valve to get the level to just crest the open/emg standpipe. COMPLETELY SILENT and running damn near a full flow from the Barracuda Gold!:hammer:

How is your project coming?
Good to know Chris! The plumbing is underway. Unbelievable the number of trips I've made to the local big chain hardware joint just to pick up a fitting that I forgot about or didn't know I needed. I have a worktable loaded with fittings, but nevertheless, sometimes I don't have the right one. And to make things worse, I'm kind of a perfectionist! Well, after seeing some of the plumbing jobs on this board, I'm not so sure how much of one, but that's what I thought anyway ...

I'm in the middle of assembling the closed loop and the return plumbing. When you say you had to lower the main siphon, do you mean by more than typical, just to avoid sucking air? I'm wondering if it wouldn't be a good idea to have one of those length adjustable PVC unions so that I can control height easily without having to recut and glue a standpipe ...

I'm kind of in a bind in regards to the bulkheads. They are 1" only, but I'm going to use 1.5" pipe for drain lines. I'm hoping I'll be able to fit 1.5" U-tubes in the Calfo for the standpipes, but it's looking pretty tight. I may have to cut up some elbows and make real tight U-bends. Otherwise I'll have to downsize, but I can adjust flow from the return pump to compensate ...
"one of those length adjustable PVC unions"

Thats exactly what I used:) I left it open on the top, no 90, but lowered it down about a foot under the water. Just thinking, overflow is internal on this system, so this wouldnt work for you. Just put your 90 as low as possible to avoid the slurp.

You can usually test run the drain fittings (inside the overflow I mean!!) without gluing them to get it mocked up and tuned. 9 times out of 10, I dont glue them anyway in there.

You should be able to use street 90s in the OF box, just stagger/ angle them so they'll fit side by side.
Photo update. Phase one of who knows how many phases of plumbing ...

A pic from the hall that I forgot to post earlier. This is what I see when coming out of my bedroom in the morning and looking back before retiring in the evening :) ...

Someone took a picture of me in said tank. It looks small until you realize that I'm not a particularly small person ...

I have to add some unions to the bottom of these vertical drain runs so that I can have access to the closed loop behind them. Probably not the best access to the CL, but just what I've got to work with. I wanted a clean look at the front of the DT without any cabinet doors or anything to detract from the tank ... There are three 1.5" drains and I'm planning on using Beananimal's drain design. The smaller 1" line on the left is the return, routed through the Calfo:







A well planned installation!

Ya gotta love AGE tanks. I sure love ours...and the external overflow is the best!

Congratulations on a great looking tank.

wow that's is very thoghtfull planing , it looks like it going to be beatifull once filled with water.

A well planned installation!

Ya gotta love AGE tanks. I sure love ours...and the external overflow is the best!

Congratulations on a great looking tank.


Thanks! This is turning out more complicated (and costly) than I originally imagined, but still waiting for that time when I have a nice display out there filled with large, thriving, colorful coral colonies. And some nice fish too ...
Been thinking about the "stocking list" so to speak. I've decided on not having very fast growing corals in the display simply because access to the display is difficult. Beyond that I'm thinking mostly SPS. Those tanks I've seen here just appeal to me the most, especially many of the TOTM's.

For fish, I'm not positive, but thinking I'm going to splurge and try to get a pair of C. tinkeri or declivus. Probably a few or more Hemitaurichthys polylepis (pyramid butterflies). Might get an angel or two also since there will be little damage they can do in a mostly SPS display in regards to coral nipping.
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Started assembling a DIY plasma light in a Lumenarc reflector that I will document separately here.

Also had to rethink the drain specifics. I'll have to re-read Beananimal's great thread, but I'm thinking that the gate valve for tuning the full siphon should go closer to the sump end of the line, otherwise the rest of the pipe after the gate may not ever completely fill with water and I might have a pseudo-siphon and some noise ...