220Volt / 60Hz equipment


New member
Hi everybody,
Sorry if this sounds thick, but is it possible to get 220Volt / 60Hz equipment for aquaria: HOB, skimmer, H2O pumps, lighting fixtures, etc. in Miami / Ft. Lauder area? If so, where could that be purchased or mail ordered? In past visits I brought some home appliances back with me, but maybe i'm expecting too much from cosmopolitanism.

Thanks for any helpful hint.
I guess you use 220v in Peru, you can get some of the higher flow pumps in 220v config, but they are not popular and likely to be special order, however, if you are looking for hobbie pumps, most Eheim and aquabee's are 220v in Europe your best bet will be to get them from an online supplier from either Germany or England.
thank you for your response Rogger. I am after a good price also, which makes the european option prohibitive freightwise. The other problem with those products is they are wired for 50Hz, which in case of the bigger pumps is not such an issue, they simply run 20% faster and bit hotter. But I've had Canadian HOBs and powerfilters, which after some time wear impeller magnets and shafts to pieces.
Hi I have 2 400w mh 220v 60hz ballasts that are running great. I picked them up at Reef Life from Pat. He has about four left i believe @ 140.00 each. The diff. between a 120v 60hz and a 220v 60hz is the 220v uses less amps. U can pick up 220v ballast from any supply house in florida.
as for pumps chech out a pump supply store i think there is on off 441 and washington on west side if i remember Florida Pumps, Johnson controls something like that but in that area
Most of these transformers used to run MH have 110v, 220v, and 440-470v leads coming out for the input. Those probably wouldn't be a problem. Now as far as pumps and stuff, why not call some of the bigger brands? Iwaki and Mag-Drive, for example? Who knows, they may already carry those, just not much of a market here in the US.
the ones with multi tap are m-58, m-59 good but expensive to run and a bit noisy (hums) . As for pumps 220v is a big market in the US. (5% of pumps in house and around are 220v . People use 110v because 1. just ave to plug it in. Look at the pump supply house in yuor area. If u can't find PM me.
thanx for the tips shockme. I have already several transformers, was just looking a way around them, because of the extra draw of amps, heat transfer, annoying space occupation and being another point of hazard in the line. I must send my buddy to go shopping. He is local to your area, bc I'm too far away right now.

I guess I will contact AES also , I remember a catalog they had featured different voltages for the bigger brands.

I appreciate your help greatly. Thank you!