24/7 Lighting of Refuge & Other Livestock


New member

It seems that 24/7 lighting is the preferred cycle for growing macro in a refuge.

My question is: Does a 24/7 period have any adverse effects on the other critters living in the DSB of the refuge?

Hi Splotto,

I have 24/7 lighting on my fuge and it is filled with various algae (Chaetomorpha, a few sp. of Caulerpa, unknown red bubble algae, Gracilaria, an unknown branching red algae, coralline, Ulva, Anadyomene, Valonia, Ventricaria, Dictyosphaeria, and lots of small filamentous and filmy algae) that seem to be doing well, copepods, mysis(?) shrimp, hermit crabs that were banished from the main tank, bumble bee snails that were banished from the main tank, a pistol shrimp that was banished from the main tank, and now tunicates and sponges are colonizing all the rock rubble in the bottom of my fuge. I don't see any difference in the amount of life in my fuge compared to other fuges and display tanks that are not lit 24/7.

I've found the critters which would hide all day in a reef tank, will adopt to 24/7 in a predator free refugium quite well ;)