240+g tank project

One thing I wanted accomplish with this tank is to give the corals plenty of room to grow. I don't plan on adding more rock and I'm happy with leaving the aquascaping the same. I used the larger grain sand and it seems to be staying put, but it is hard to see with the micro bubbles.
Lookin' nice Chris. The addition of the sand and the black background really complete the tank. It actually makes your corals look small in such an open space. That should give you plenty of space for some "realistic reef" growth. What type of sand did you use? Something for aquariums? Knowing you, you probably made it yourself grinding down some lr. :p
absolutely gorgeous, chris. i'm hoping to have a very similar setup within the next year or so.

Sorry, computer was working so slow over the satelite over here that I thought it wasn't working. Accidentally posted three times without knowing.
toddlaco said:
Sorry, computer was working so slow over the satelite over here that I thought it wasn't working. Accidentally posted three times without knowing.

That's okay, thanks for the compliments. All three of them:D

Be safe over there. We want to see the 360g tank thread when you get back.
hollback said:
What type of sand did you use? Something for aquariums? Knowing you, you probably made it yourself grinding down some lr. :p

Chris ?? Reply to Jason already :) I am interested to know, LOL...

asnatlas said:
Chris ?? Reply to Jason already :) I am interested to know, LOL...


Sorry about that, I used 30# of Carib Sea Aragamax Select. I cut a piece of 2" pvc 24" long and taped a large funnel on one end. I was then able to pour the sand thru the pvc to the bottom of the tank with no nasty sand clouds in the tank.
I still haven't eliminated all of the micro-bubbles yet, but I did fix what was coming out of the closed loop. I'm using the closed loop intake that was in the overflow box to feed the skimmer which is working out pretty good. I'll post more as I change/modify things.
Here is a pic looking thru the back of the tank (from the fish room).

More More More :)

More More More :)

More pics........ Please :p

Chris, I would love to come by one day soon to take a look at the tank in person...

I love your tank. I see so many tanks that have so many different corals crammed in there....The open space really adds to the looks of the tank.

Question about your plumbing...I am guessing that the four black lines are your returns, are the four white lines, plumbed level across the back, your closed loop? Also, where did you find the black PVC? Thanks.
gumbybc said:
Question about your plumbing...I am guessing that the four black lines are your returns, are the four white lines, plumbed level across the back, your closed loop? Also, where did you find the black PVC? Thanks.

The 4 black 1" pipes are returns for my closed loop, and the 3 white 1" pipes are for the returns from my sump. I'm going to change the returns to 1 1/2" pipe (black) to get more flow from my Sequence Hammerhead.

asnatlas, just let me know when you want to stop by...
Originally it was in the external overflow box, but it sucked in too much air so I had to move it to the tank. It's not in any of the pictures I've posted so far, but I will tank some pics tonight.