I don't think I'll be adding any more fish load to my system for a while. Here is the list of fish I have the tank right now.
regal tang, sailfin tang, flame angel, blue cheek goby and 6 green chromis. I have a mandarin that's in my 100g refugium that I would like to put in the tank, if I can catch him that is. I also have a yellow tang in my frag tank that I would like to catch and put in the display tank also. I'm not sure if the sailfin would beat up on the yellow tang though.
As for corals, I want to give enough room for everything to grow big. I have pulled one big stag out that was brown with blue tips and replaced it with a cool looking a.nobilis. I've added a couple other frags to the tank to see how they'll do but I think that is it.
Thanks for all of the great feedback. I promise to post some more pictures as soon as I get time.