240 Gallon Cube Tank Photo Diary

do you feel comfotable with the closed loop only having 1 suction hole?

i am only going to have 1 suction hole for each of my 3 closed loops all powered by sequence darts and i will be using those 2" straines like you have,

anyway do you think there is alot of suction?

i am going to use rock to hide them but was wondering what you thought?

like if a fish could get sucked in or my cleaner shrimp?


That stand is totally awsome! I can't wait to see this one after completion. Good luck and great job!
Man it is looking good, beautiful fish too! Hope that hair algae is eliminated asap. Your woodworking still amazes me.
nbd13- Yes, I'm comfotable with one drain for each closed loop. That's all these pumps require. As long as the drain is the size of the pumps inlet, you'll be fine. Its when you go too small that cavitation can result. These huge strainers really help minimize the amount of 'suction' affect at the drain. It is a very large volume and gentle suction due to the huge surface area the strainers create. I have chromis swim right up next to them and pull away without any difficulty. I think even a shrimp could pull him self away from them if needed. I'll be hiding mine with some rock soon too.
marwes- Thank you very much!
melev- I paid less than half of the price you found them for :)
elephen- I've got 300 snails comming early next week. I hope they can finish off the smaller portions of the algae that remains. I have a few turbo snails that survived the 'crash' during the switch over and its amazing how much just those few turbos are able to eat in a day. At least the algae is not spreading any longer. I'm sure it will be gone within a week or two.
Yep, the angels all came from Pat.
The only saltwater dedicated forum in town is www.fishheads.org
There's quite a few local reefers on Fishheads and we have some great sponsers like FishWorld and MidWestReefs.com
Lots of good people with varying levels of experience.
Yeah MidwestReefs (is it Chris?) has some amazing stuff. I keep trying to get ahold of him so I can go down there myself and pickup some stuff but he is always busy.

I have looked at a few things on fishheads but it always seems like a big flame war and arguments. Maybe it was just the few threads I read.

We should put together some sort of local reefer club, since there isn't anything around like that, could setup meetings and frag swaps.

Marc - What does DFWMAS do beisdes what I mentioned above?
elephen, Patrick and Aquariums Wholesale don't want to be mentioned on fish heads. Like no matter what. There was some arguments when they first came to town and he requested that he is left out of it. They are really nice when you give a call. Just a heads up.

We have frag swaps every so often. adamjonpeterson (I think) is planning one for the end of June/early July. The Smiths had one in May. You could always "host" one at your house. I haven't gone to any yet, my tank is cycling now :o
I never posted anything on Fishheads until today and it was just asking what someone wanted for a frag of a leather. I remeber Pat telling me about all the 'flame wars' going on at Fishheads so I decided to not even check it out but I was just poking around on there today.

Do they post info about the frag swaps on Fishheads?

Are you a student as in JCCC or as in high school? Just out of curiousity, we should meet up sometime at one of these upcoming frag swaps... I work at College & Metcalf, not sure how close that is to you.
Wow, you ask a loaded question.

Our club has been around for 10 years, but I believe it has really taken off due in small part to my efforts. We set up a message board, and I pretty much pleaded with our members to start using it at every meeting each month. Once the gang started posting to one another, some close-knit bonds were formed between the members and they really started to look out for each other. We also tend to do a lot of group buys, almost monthly.

We also make it a point to build a good relationship with our LFS rather than constantly tearing them down. Mail order is great, but imho you need local fish stores to get things now. Plus, I never buy any livestock via mail order. I want to see it, study it, buy it and get it in my tank within the hour. I don't want to pay box fees, overnight shipping fees, and pray FedEx / UPS doesn't screw up, and still risk it that the animal doesn't survive. I only buy locally, and appreciate that we have so many LFS in our area:

We have two Frag Swaps a year. Yesterday was one of them, and I swear 200 people showed up for the first hour.

We have at least two Tank Tours a year, where we spend the day visiting six tanks in a particular area of the metroplex.

We had a Coral Propagation Workshop last October, with 85 people attending and 65 participating.

We had our Next Wave conference a couple of months ago, and flew in four speakers for one day, and everyone that attended benefitted greatly from the knowledge they gained.

We also have a Winter Social each December, where we have a sit down dinner and raffle for the members. Last year, Roger from Tunze, Inc came to speak to the club. There are a few images in our newsletter.

We have monthly meetings, and these move around the metroplex, sometimes in homes but mostly in the LFS that offer. With about 80 people showing up each meeting, we have to have room for the bodies, and the cars. Every meeting ends with a raffle, where members and guests can win livestock.

And as you can see, we have a newsletter that I do my best to get done monthly if at all possible.

Does this mean you have to do all this, and more? No! Our club has grown over time, and with the energy and help of several dedicated hobbyists, we have a great club. We've added more and more events to make it better, which makes the workload even heavier. You will have growing pains as you organize your group, and have to simply roll with the punches at first as you grow and evolve. In the next MASNA newsletter, I hope to include an article about how to start a new club. In the meantime, go to MASNA.org for more information about how you can begin getting organized.

I hope this wasn't too overwhelming.
elephen said:
I never posted anything on Fishheads until today and it was just asking what someone wanted for a frag of a leather. I remeber Pat telling me about all the 'flame wars' going on at Fishheads so I decided to not even check it out but I was just poking around on there today.

Do they post info about the frag swaps on Fishheads?

Are you a student as in JCCC or as in high school? Just out of curiousity, we should meet up sometime at one of these upcoming frag swaps... I work at College & Metcalf, not sure how close that is to you.

Yeah, I did a few times and got slapped on the wrist for it. Oh well, live and learn.

Heres the link to the most current:

I'm in high school :( College and Metcalf, thats Overland Park, right? I live near I-435 and Midland..

I plan on going to the next frag swap, if I can get a ride. Its out in Manhattan though.

Sorry for hijacking the thread... Get to see sonofgaladriel's tank tonight, very excited :eek1: Picking up some chaeto from him.
Marc - wow, that is quite a bit of work but very very cool

xtrstangx - Well, hopefully a frag swap will be coming up soon here closer to home. I really don't feel like driving that far away for a frag swap, seems worthless to me to waste that much gas on a frag or two. Just not economical
Saw the tank tonight, and I must say it is amazing. The fish are very nice, colorful and active. Beautiful tank... Got a free frag from him too, small rock with a few zoo's and 2 mushrooms on it. He's a real nice guy.

Another thing is that the pictures make the tank look smaller than it is. It is big.
Glad you liked the tank and freebie Max. Hope the chaeto grows well for you too.
elephen- I may be holding a frag swap at my house within a month or two and you're certainly welcome to come. Be watching Fishheads for details.
Few more pics...I'm a little embarrassed to show these close ups, as I'm basically starting over due to the crash of a few weeks ago. Just about everything in there is a frag again. The rockscape is still a 'work in progress' too.
At least the hair algae is almost gone. I love watching the fish nip at it. I'm quite surprised to see even the angels eating it. They are so full from the algae, that they won't touch Formula 2 flake or pellets. They even ignore mysis. This algae must be really tasty!
These aren't the best pics in terms of true colors either. These AB 10K's really wash out the SPS colors, but they do make the fish look nice. I can't wait until I can scrape up the money for the Phoenix 14K's.



Wow, you got a bunch of livestock in there - for a guy that suffered a crash, you have quite a few pieces still on hand. It'll look even better in the coming months ahead.