240 Gallon Cube Tank Photo Diary

So far, so good. I love the stand, and the tank looks solid. With all that DIY, why didn't you make your own sump as well? ;)

Sorry about the losses; that is just wrong! :(
A friend of mine owns his own fishstore and he was able to get me a very nice custom made sump (which should arrive in a few weeks) for a very cheap price. Cheaper than what I could have made it for.
Thanks for the compliments!
As far as the losses, yep, it does stink. I'm basically starting over after 3 years. I just added some nice fish last night and will start adding some SPS frags soon.
Maybe I missed it, but have you shown a pic of your cabinet completed with doors? If so then sorry for the interruption. BTW, awesome setup! You ALMOST made me abandon my plans for a 400gal rectangular tank, but I think I'll proceed.
Dudester,, there is one on page six about halfway down.. I wouldn't mind seeing a few more shots of it though ;) Very nice looking setup,, Youve got me thinking about a sunroom just so I have a room I can set one of these in the dead center...
Ask and you shall receive :D Here's some new pics.



Looks like you are getting an algae bloom. I suggest you cut back on your lighting for the time being.
melev said:
Looks like you are getting an algae bloom. I suggest you cut back on your lighting for the time being.
Yep, I went bare bottom and the rocks started leaching quite abit of junk. I'm only running the halides 6 hours a day as it is. It will be under control in no time.
Thanks again for all the compliments. I am quite surprised that this thread won, but I am glad it was beneficial and well received by so many.
I've got a school of 10 chromis that have been in there about two weeks now. I added a small Yellow eye Kole tang a week ago to start on the algae. Yesterday I added a powder blue and a Red Sea Regal angel (just awesome!).
I'll be getting rid of the Kole tang in about a month and plan on getting a black tang and a pair of Watanabe angels. That will be it. Maybe a pair of black ocellaris and a flame angel.
nbd13 said:
is the regal eating?
where did you get it if i may ask.
Yes, the regal is eating well. He's nipping at the rocks and even nipping at my hair algae! He has eaten some frozen mysis, but hasn't taken to forumula two flakes yet. I'm going try some formula 2 pellets today.
He's take a few days, but he's finally started swimming out in the open. He is truly a spectacular fish. I got him from one of our best local fish store's here in KC.
Its been an education watching you piece this together. Congrats on the acknowledgement from RC. Its hard to swallow loosing 3 years of growth, I'm sure, but its good to see you keeping on with it.

Way back in the thread, you said the PVC valves (or unions?) from Lowes had been leakers and you had to replace them. Just curious from where they leaked?
Nice. seems to me that there would be far too much glare off those lights in that room. Perhaps you could get someone to swap-out those bulbs, which if I read correctly, are almost new. Where would the chiller go, by the way?
piercho said:
Its been an education watching you piece this together. Congrats on the acknowledgement from RC. Its hard to swallow loosing 3 years of growth, I'm sure, but its good to see you keeping on with it.

Way back in the thread, you said the PVC valves (or unions?) from Lowes had been leakers and you had to replace them. Just curious from where they leaked?
Thank you very much! It was a pleasant surprise to be mentioned with those other two great threads and to win was even more surprising.
Yes, it was very disappointing losing all that livestock when I was so excited about the new tank and the switch over which was going quite well up til that day. It was definately a bitter/sweet weekend.

The single union ball valves I purchases were manufacturer defects per the plumbing guy at Lowes. The entire box they came from leaked at the screw union AND even at the ball valve portion. With the ball valve completely closed, water was still getting around the ball as it was not big enough to fill the gap.
jumboshrimp18 said:
Nice. seems to me that there would be far too much glare off those lights in that room. Perhaps you could get someone to swap-out those bulbs, which if I read correctly, are almost new. Where would the chiller go, by the way?
Actually, the glare does not bother the home theater or the pool table at all. Fortunately, the glare moves to the sides, away from the big screen, so its a non issue.
If I did get a chiller, I would place it under the cabinet in the adjacent bathroom behind the wall or I could make room for it in the stand.