240 Gallon Cube Tank Photo Diary

From other thread:
Hi Max. Thanks for the compliments. Let me know when you want some macro algae. I've got some chaeto for you.
Do you have a good skimmer? You'll want to get one up and running while your new rock is curing.

No skimmer yet. I think I am going to do a DIY one like a Remora and see how it goes. Theres some plans for them somewhere on nano-reefs. I'm making mine a bit larger than theirs cause my tank isn't quite a nano.

Excellent idea on the orchids, it is going to be a very sweet setup when its done.

By the way, I got 2 snails in the sand I got from you. I haven't ID'd them yet though, they are black shelled with a shell shape most like a Nassarius. They are fairly small though (1.5 cm). Any ideas?
Question for anyone, You have all your bulkheads plumbed through the back which gives you optimum placement. I am building a 60 X 30 X 30 tank and my wife does not want the whole hose tangle to be seen behind the tank. So....in order to get the tank to sit almost flush to the wall I am planning to run intakes and returns for a closed loop through the bottom. Figure I will probably run 2 intakes and 4 returns from a reefflo Dart or barracuda. Does this sound like it will work or am I asking for trouble?
You can sure run all of the closed loop plumbing through the bottom. I ran four returns through the bottom toward the front.
But, there are ways to hide the back plumbing too.
Here's how I hid the plumbing from the sides. I added a simple side panel and shelf across the back.
Hmm....she might go for that. But then again, have to watch what I say about her, wives have ways of knowing when you are writing/talking about them!
Thanks guys. Hey, I just found out from an RC admin that this set up will be pictured in June's 'Reefkeeping Magazine'! I guess they are showing some members 'fish rooms' and have decided to include my new cube set up. I guess it will be posted on June 3rd.
I am extremely honored. I only wish the inside looked better. I'm still somewhat recycling the tank since the major crash and I am pretty embarrassed with the actualy 'reef' part of it.
Re: 100g cube

Re: 100g cube

swannking said:
Do you think a 1/2" acrylic be OK with a top piece. 30"X30"X30"
Sorry, but I'm not really the one to answer that question. I'm not a tank fabricator.
I was told that I 'could' have used 3/4" with my 4' cube, but was told to expect 'some' bowing. So, I went with 1" to avoid any excessive deflection and keep the open top.
So, my 'guess' is that a tank 30" square would be very stable with 1/2" acrylic and a small Euro brace around the top. But, as I said, I'm not a fabricator.
I think I'll have to go to your house to pick up that chaeto so I can check out your tank if you are being featured in magazines at all :D

Very nice, any pictures of corals/fish yet?
could you give me rough demensions of those 2" strainers for the clsoed loop intakes?

i need to use these on my new tank and was just wondering on the demensions.


Re: 100g cube

Re: 100g cube

swannking said:
Do you think a 1/2" acrylic be OK with a top piece. 30"X30"X30"

My 24" cube is 1/2" thick with a 2" perimeter brace. It does not bow at all. I don't know if that helps.
I just found out late this morning, that instead of posting a few selected pics of members' large reef tanks as was explained to me, the feature I mentioned above has turned into a competition where RC members vote for the 'Best Thread' of the Large tank forum. I'm a little uncomfortable being in a competition of 'threads' but I guess its really up to the RC members to vote on which 'thread' they enjoyed or gained the most from. The other two threads are very informative and have some excellent pics and descriptions. In my opinion, my thread pales in comparison.
My intention, with the photo diary of the stand fabrication and the photo diary of the actual aquarium set up, was really just to show members my progress and get input. I certainly enjoy looking at all of the other threads pics and looked forward to more, so I tried to post as many pics as possible throughout the progression.
I really didn't expect all of the much appreciated positive comments and I hope that this thread has been beneficial to other RC members. I certainly gained a great deal from the replies and suggestions of the many members that responded.
I'm a little embarrassed by being in the line up with the other two outstanding set ups! They are truly spectacular. Obviously alot of time, planning, effort, funds, and patience, went into the construction of those.
They are very similar to what I just took down to create this new cube set up. Here's a pic of what I had set up before. Its a 180. I built this stand and surround canopy as well. The left column actually opens up and has shelves for storage.

I do miss the 'built in' look and 'feel' of the old setup, but this new open design really lends itself to a more 'reefer' friendly atmosphere.
I've tried to create something elegant but also very functional for someone truly addicted to this hobby for the long haul. I know that I'll have my hands in the tank every single night either glueing down new frags, fragging out others, cleaning the acrylic, feeding the fish, and/or water testing, ect..
I am glad, and relieved, to say that I achieved what I set out to do.
Although it would be a great honor to have my new set up featured in next months Reefkeeping Magazine, the real honor is just in being nominated with these other two fanatastic threads and set ups.
jmccalip said:
Wow. Nice tank and stand, but....a pool ball is going to go smashing through it;).

:lol: The way I play pool I''d have to keep the tank right out of the room with the table. :)
