How many Anthia's do you have in there? :thumbsup:
I am in the process of building a 180 gal. Have you had any issues just using T5s. I would like to only use t5s also, but don't want to be limited on what I could put in the tank.
Lol i have alot of fish =( Unfortunatly the tinkeri pair didn't make it out of QT , was planning on adding it to my display. I'm still so depressed over that ... Figured i would just focus on getting my tank dialed in better given i've had all kinds of different algae problems since i moved everything into it =( . Although the coral is starting to look nice again which has be very happy on that end.Wow. Nice stuff. What is your fish list now?
I know its off topic but the pictures are amazing. What type of camera and lens are you using?