250 gallon build thread

Newly revamped QT setup!

That's a pretty expensive shim you've got there. I like it. :fun4:

Proper shims added to the QT stand last night, thank you very much! :thumbsup::dance:

Any way, today is the completion of week #1 for Regal #2 in QT. He is doing well, being treated with Cupramine and Prazipro to clear up some issues he is having. Eating much better each day. I have seen him eat several types of flake, and frozen. No Nori what so ever. I have made the decition to attempt to pair the Regals in the display once #2 has completed QT. I will be video taping some of the interaction at first to share it with those of you who follow my thread. I do appreciate it and always appreciate the feedback and comments.
Regal #2 passed on to the ocean in the sky on April 14th. Regal #1 is doing well. She/he has acclimated well into the display and eats anything I put in the tank. Seems fatter all the time. LOL.

As far as the build goes, I am not sure when I will have the jack to do anything else new. The items I really need to consider next are.

Cabinet doors for front tank access

Trim on the front of the display

prehung door for the fish room.

calcium reactor setup

paint outside of fish room.

As soon as all that is done, I will basically be done with all the major stuff on the tank, and I will start on the rest of the basement. The rest of the basement will feature a wet bar and a 100"+ screen TV provided by a projection system. I figure I will have it all done within 5 yrs or so.
Dont know if I have listed it in awhile. Here is the current fish list.
In the Display.
Blueface Angel
Regal Angel
Majestic Angel
Flameback Angel
Coral Beauty Angel
Regal Tang
Purple Tang
Yellow Tang
Naso Tang
Cleaner Wrasse

In the frag tank
Ocellaris Clownfish
Harlequin Tuskfish (This guy is supposedly sold, not sure when they will come get it)

Fish I plan on adding.
Emporer Angel
Flame Angel
Potters Angel(if I ever find an eating specimen, will have to add at same time as Flame)
Powder Blue Tang
Achilles Tang (if I ever find an eating specimen, will have to add at same time as PBT)
Possibly a group of royal grammas or neon gobies.
May add some cleaner, fire and harlequin shrimp also.
I will always be adding new sps frags.

Thats about it for now.
You posted on the 10th that teh regal was doing well, how fast did it decline and what finished it off?

You going to put the Blueface in a coral tank? I want to but hear they generally eat everything....
The blueface has been in there for months, I am not sure exactly when he went in, but if you read the thread, it is in there somewhere. He likes some LPS and some Zoas, but I have never had any issues with SPS with any of my angels other than the occational nip.

As far as the regal, you guess is as good as mine. I believe it was lymphocystis that developed a secondary infection, and the infection took the fish when I did not get antibiotic treatment in time, but I am far from an expert in fish disease.
Picking up a Powder Blue Tang from a fellow club member today. Fish has been established and disease free for a year. Will be going into the display. Pics to come soon.
Louie the PBT is settling in nicely. He is very bold, not agressive yet, but not backing down to anyone. The purple tang, regal tang, and coral beauty have all tried to attack him, no damage and he did not back down. He will be fine, he is trying to school with the yellow, purple and naso tangs.
Well I have long suspected the black sand to be the cause of my rust colored algae problems. I have pulled as much of the sandbed as possible and I am going to try to replace it with aragonite. I scooped out as much as I could because siphoning was not working well with a python. Anyone have anything that may be better at removing the remaining black sand?
If you're trying to get a lot of it out, aside from scooping what I've found works is just using some decent-sized vinyl tubing and sucking it up with that. It's not terribly effective but it's better than nothing. I also tend to re-use the water, though I still fear for some of the stuff that might be buried deep withing my sandbed.
That is a good idea. I have a very fine mesh strainer and I could just run into a bucket and catch most of the sand.
i just read your whole thread during my lunch break at work. Now it is 3 pm. oops. :) use a 3/4" or 1" hose to syphon out, it will fill the bucket up quickly but does a very good job syphoning out sand. Good luck!