250 gallon build thread




Thanks for posting Tater. I cant seem to get anyone to participate in this thread. Oh well, I do like to go back and look at the progress. Just makes it more of a journal than a thread. See ya at the swap!
I havent setup dawn/dusk yet. I just put the t5s on the lighting controller and left the halide on a timer. I just turn the t5s on when I am viewing. Basically they are just for my pleasure anyway. I will say I love the color of the Giesemanns, but I am really disappointed in the brightness. Of course, I heard that about them. Although I love the purple look, I will definately go with a ATI Superblue next time so they are brighter.

Big news from this weekend. I am going to Chicago the weekend of March 27 to 28 to pick up a 4" Genuine Red Sea Regal that has been in an aquarium for 4 years! I am super excited, and, oh yeah, I will be stopping in at Shedd while I am up there! I may have a PBT from an established aquarium lined up, but I am not sure if it will happen.
Current inhabitants.
cleaner wrasse
occelaris clown
majestic angel
blueface angel
flameback angel
Coral beauty
hippo tang
purple tang
naso tang
yellow tang

harliquin tusk (in frag tank, not sure if I will keep him long term)

I am considering adding these.
flame angel
powder blue tang
achilles tang
potters angel
adult emperor
adult queen angel
rock beauty

With a 250 gallon display and 380 gallon volume, how badly am I overstocking, if at all? Keep in mind my skimmer is rated at 2000 gallons, and I am running carbon and gfo with frequent water changes.
Hmmmm, well you've got some pretty good livestock there. The potters would probably go in without a hitch, my only concern might be the emperor angel, mostly because they just get really big. As for the queen, how can I resist, it just sounds like such a good idea. Especially if you get one like the one in your avatar ;-).

I don't think your bioload is too big, but if I were in your position I wouldn't add too many fish at once (horray for stating the obvious!!!). As long as your nutrient levels are all in check then I think you're ok. I mean just look at cougarman's tank, that thing is crazy stocked but his livestock are all fine.
So far this aquarium has never shown nitrates since the cycle. I am pretty excited about that. It has to be the skimmer, it pulls a bunch of poo out of the water!