30 rimless tank build

Sounds good I'll be following your thread as well it's a fun small tank to have cleaning the glass is super easy on this shallow tank.
Here's a full tank shot


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Deep blue 30 rimlessfor sale

Deep blue 30 rimlessfor sale

Hello everyone I have a 30 gallon deep blue timeless for sale here's what included.

30gallon rimless with corner flow.
And a custom made stand for the tank.

Trying to get it out of here so 150.00 takes it refer to my tank build thread for reference. http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2364041

Lastly the tank does not come off the stand unsure why but I'm not forcing it off without help.

So once again tank and custom stand is for 150.00 text at 78679700three
Fs 30 gallon deep blue rimless

Fs 30 gallon deep blue rimless

Hello everyone I have a 30 gallon deep blue timeless for sale here's what included.

30gallon rimless with corner flow.*
And a custom made stand for the tank.

Trying to get it out of here so 150.00 takes it refer to my tank build thread for reference.*http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2364041

Lastly the tank does not come off the stand unsure why but I'm not forcing it off without help.*

So once again tank and custom stand is for 150.00 text at 78679700three*