Well here is how we did it. At least I think it is
1.) Of course start with the bottom pane of glass. (My tank was built on the stand.)
2.) Run a thick bead of silicone on top edge of the bottom pane of glass. You want to start with the large viewing pane of glass first ( front or back.) It took all three of us to lift the 96 x 30" pane onto the top. When you place the glass on top be very careful to place it square on both ends. You do not want to move the glass to much. This will cause air bubbles to form not good for adherence, strength etc. Have someone hold this pane straight without moving to much.
3.) Next do a side pane same step as above. Make sure the edges are square. At this point you do not really need to hold the glass as the silicone has enough strength to hold in place.
4.) Next do the same on the next side.
5.) Last put your front or back ( large pane) on. Walk around all 4 corners and make sure all your ends are square. You may need to make a few very small adjustment to square everything up. You must use some big clamps and snug the front to back this will do two things. It will squeeze out any air that was trapped between the glass and will make sure you have good contact for the silicone to cure. I forgot to mention if you want nice clean edges (silicone.) Tape the glass before you apply the silicone.
6.) You must move fast on all these steps last run your finger along the seams to get a nice uniform seal. Last peel off your tape if you used it.
This gives you a little idea of how to construct a tank. I may have missed a few thongs but this covers most of it.
One more thing get out of the house after all is done the smell is overwhelming. 24hrs should be good have all windows open and a good fan.