300g Starphire Room Divider

I was just wondering if any detritus could get between the glass and the board. My thinking was I may just run a small bead around the top edge of the board. If I wanted to remove the board later I wonder how difficult it would be? Not that it would be easy to begin with :D

I don't think much of any will get under the board. I notice that debris collect on the sides in between the board and the glass. Makes for easy removal. I don't see a problem in using silicone on the board. Just does not seem worth the effort to me:)
I really like your Naso. I just noticed that my smaller Naso has started to develop streamers as well, they are about 3/4 inch long.
Some large Angels for sure top the list. This will be done down the road 6 months or so till the water ages a bit. Angels like mature tanks 6 months seems to be the min before adding Angels. I still have a large clown trigger that was in my old tank it is at the LFS still. Not sure if I'm going to add him to this tank or not? He is very docile. But the risk is still there that he may snap one day.
yeah thats what I thought...Im glad you went that way. Personally, the only way I would do starboard in a big tank is if its a big piece. I would hate to look at seams. Good work!

I'm running my hammerhead and 4-way now on a timer with my lights. They will run 8 hours a day. I still have enough flow in the tank during the night with the 2 pens run off the Gen-X PCX 55HP and my return Gen-X 18000 pump. My skimmer is really pulling out some heavy gunk now. I never got a surge in Ammonia in the tank I guess cause I used nice large LR that was cured for a long time at my LFS. Diatoms are present on the starboard snails are working on it.
Gotta love the 4-way! :D

I hooked mine up a couple of weeks ago...powered by an Ampmaster 3000...i know, i know...crappy pump :(

But its holding up so far...time will only tell. The flow I am getting is incredible though! Paul makes some nice gear.

Yes he does make a great product! He has even better customer support. I put up some poster paper above the tank temp to block the light. Took a few shots with just outside light in the room. This gives you a idea what a difference Starphire glass makes.




I Like your idea of the OM on a timer.

What was the reason you went with an outlet in the middle?
Instead of 2 on the ends.
Will they be covered from view by the top?

I went with the timer idea to save a bit on energy. The Hammerhead is rated @ 3.89Amps 4-way 17W will save a bit here only running 8hrs a day. Plus without the hammerhead and 4-way running at night should give a calmer effect like in the Ocean at night.

I have 2 outlets with 45's pointing down on the right of the tank. The one in the middle covers the center of the tank. The last outlet is on the left end with a 45 down. My return outlet is also on this side with a 90 blowing across the top of the water.

Yes the top will be boxed in with green board. I will have a few doors to access the tank.
Toddrtrex said:
Wow, is that clear. Nice TV. :)

Thanks it is a Sony Grand Wega XBR 60" LCD. I have the best of both worlds watch T.V and the tank at the same time. As of late I have been watching the tank more then the T.V :D
hdtvguy said:
I went with the timer idea to save a bit on energy. The Hammerhead is rated @ 3.89Amps 4-way 17W will save a bit here only running 8hrs a day. Plus without the hammerhead and 4-way running at night should give a calmer effect like in the Ocean at night.

I have 2 outlets with 45's pointing down on the right of the tank. The one in the middle covers the center of the tank. The last outlet is on the left end with a 45 down. My return outlet is also on this side with a 90 blowing across the top of the water.

Yes the top will be boxed in with green board. I will have a few doors to access the tank.

That amp is actually a start-up rating. It uses about 3 amps average.
Starfphire really makes a difference..... Very clear... I almost went with Stafphire on my new tank but they wanted over $1500 more for the tank.....

Got to draw the line somewhere...... Looking good......:D