Sahin! What a come back! Tank looks super healthy and nice!
I love the fts.

Some of the corals look superb. Others are coming round. Some Maricultured stuff are taking their time. But hopefully within next 3 months I can get most of the corals looking good.
Everything is looking great Sahin! Nice to see after your previous battle. The colors and overall health of your corals looks very good.
Thanks buddy. Been a long journey. But it was worth it.
All Coral+, or what's the mix? Pictures and color look fantastic IMO.
Currently running 4 Coral+, 2 Actinic and 2 PacSun CystalBlue (basically Blue+ equivalent).
Its a bit on the whiter side than i'd usually like, but the tank is evenly lit with this combo.
How are you liking the PacSun unit? I see that Lunar changed from ATI to Pacsun as well..... interesting.
I will always have some form of I say above, I still have my ATI. I am running the Pacsun unit as a test for a buddy who has started a small farm.
In terms of PAR, the two units are nearly the same; the ATI has slightly higher PAR. I think its probably due to the way the fans are built/designed?
The PacSun unit is heavier; it has a solid build. The ATI is as most know very well solid build.
In terms of quality of units I would score ATI higher. The ATI has the edge in that it is more refined and oozes quality about itself. The Pacsun is very decent quality though. No one has matched ATI's reflectors in terms of polish and smoothness. The Pacsun unit is more heavier/industrial feel to it. Though it is a very nice unit.
In terms of features, the Pacsun tops it with so much software control/weather simulation/real moon cycles etc.
I was always curious about the no white LED's on the PacSun, but I have to admit, to the eye, the combined LED+T5 light on the Pacsun looks great. The shimmer looks more like metal halide on the pacsun. Maybe because the LED's are in a very tight cluster.
Change to my filtration:
This weekend I added a load of chaeto to my sump with a PAR20 LED lamp for growing plants.
Since I dont run GFO and may only run GAC occassionaly, I thought I'd runs a refugium. It might not help much, but anything is useful. Plus I should get some pods as well.