The extra feeding has caused the Red Planet to become a darker wine colour red, but with nice green base... I guess its a nutrient balancing act; I want the brighter red colouration back, but retain the green base.
Its crazy though, I've gone up from 2-3 fishes to 11 fishes and have been feeding 3-4 cubes of frozen mysis per day, 3 x mixture of flakes per day on the auto feeder and a mixture of Nyos Gold pods/Coral Vitaliser/AquaVitro Fuel/KZ Amino Acids every 2-3 days...and I've dosed Seachem Nitrate some weeks back as well.
And there is still NO algae on the glass or rocks...I dont need to clean the glass for 2 weeks or more! No algae on the rocks.
PO4=0.01-0.02ppm NO3=0.2ppm.
I swear there is a black hole somewhere in my sump where all the nutriets vanish into...