Many polyps have turned almost a deep red......Bubblegum Millepora - that white patch is actually light blue but on the photo is mostly blown out.
Frags; the older frag grew when I began to feed the tank crazy. The frag behind is a new cutting from one of the colonies which hasnt quite picked up the green pigment (old tissue takes longer to colour up? I dont know).
true color, true performance.... Excellent!!!
Wow Sahin, ridiculous! Things look amazing, super colors and the corals like +++ healthy!
Those colors! :inlove:
Beautiful photography as usual, great shot of the mandarin. Love them but I doubt I'll own one in my current tank, too many wrasses on my wishlist that'll compete.
Photos, I fell out of my chair!
Things are looking really great Sahin, good job! Love the photos and the closeups. I think it's hilarious how you more experienced reefers are somehow able to fit more acros in a 47 gallons than I can in my 150.
The tank is still stunning Sahin. I particularly enjoyed how you captured the fish poo in this picture.
Beautiful Sahin! Loving the red planet and your chubby mandarin!
very nice !
He appears to only have one at the moment.
Some lovely Acro you have there![]()
Nice colours captain
The tank is making it to the next level Keep it up. Very impressed. Photo quality is awesome.
Looking sooo good! Amazing colors, good growth and that FTS is just awesome. Good stuff buddy
Very nice, I cut some Pink Lemonade frags and a couple of them got that blue ring on the new encrusting growth, still not sure what causes it. Great job on the colors and the photots
Incredible SPS, and photography to go with it.
Amazing!!!!! That bubblegum mille is off the chain!!!!!!!
Holy crazy colored corals, Batman!!!
Absolutely stunning!!!
I'm going back to look at them again!!!!
Wow! Those colors are great!
That coloring suggests you have nice high levels of potassium/iodide/iodine.
Whatever you're dosing, you're near the max you want to use. I'd bet you've probably done less maintenance in the last 3-6 months, i.e. media have run longer, smaller water changes, less siphoning of the sand.
You're out of ionic balance but in a good way :bounce3:
The encrusted frag has been getting less light from fewer bulbs, simply by proximity & angle to the bulbs, so the par is lower and the spectrum more limited. It's also getting a more laminar flow being near the back wall of the tank and it's been there a while.
Your powerheads are pointed into the tank from the sides and corners and they create more turbulence there as they push water into the center. The flow is more uniform at the back wall of the tank as it creates a barrier to the turbulence. That's what we call 'barrier effect' in the lab. A pretty obvious term but an effect that's often not recognized because the turbulent flow is very visible at the surface and on the sand. In a small tank that influence is very dynamic because there's less dissipation of energy from the powerheads before they are unified by the barrier.
The darker frag grew in more turbulence and more white light. Notice the difference in the corallites, they're growing at a tangent and longer. It will take it several months to get any green growth but if that's what you want then leave it right where it is. :idea:
I'm sorry you haven't been well lately buddy, hope you're on the mend
Everyone knows that aussies get ripped off the worst for everything to do with reef keeping so stop ya whining Sahin and Shih.........
Are you a noodle stacker Sahin or do you just have them all jiggly wiggly together ?
I still have at least 4 complete brown turds...though one of them has started to get a green base and the new growth is blue.Where are the brown turds? I cannot see any:spin3:!
stunning...these corals are looking like perfection....I must ask, with the High Par your corals are probably getting, how did you achieve the green in the red planet?
Hi Sahin, your corals are so healthy with nice PE and vibrant colors. I especially love the Bubble Gum Millie.
By the way, have you posted somewhere your par values of your tank?
Great colors buddy. Top quality photos. I would like a quick recap of current params and any extra dosing you are doing right now.
All looks good.
Great tank and great history!
Thanks for your topic mate!
What the food menu do you use now for the fishes and how often do you feed them?
Thanks buddy. Yeah, I need to keep things going as they are and not make any big changes of mess anything up.Wow,
Sahin, the recent photos are sweet, your trending in the proper direction, the colors look amazing, great job buddy![]()
looking so good, great pictures! (Been lurking in your thread for a long time)
Truly inspirational. Looks like you are officially out of the "brown club" despite a couple of hold-outs!
I am firmly embedded in that club at the moment and it is nice to see there is hope!
Wow that's a lot of food for that size tank. Where does is all go?! Doser looks awesome. Are you talking about faua marin color elements (red, blue, green) or do you mean trace 123 that go in balling lite? I have been interested in adding color elements.
This is the FM Colour Elements product:
Not sure on dosing though...Krzysztof Tryc uses it occasionally on his amazing reef.