5 year old Greenhouse Update

just curious, what are the small 30 gal tanks for? (i think they are 30 gal)
i see you have water plumbed and drains, but there isnt much room for lighting?
just curious.
Thats a beautiful facility Than, thanks for sharing it with us, what products are you heading to produce ? Across the board? SPS? LPS? Softies?

As mentioned in other threads I am a fan of Dicks Tropicorium, and the way he has done it, now some 20 years, or more into it they have it working as a going system. I first saw it 15 years ago, and have been back often, I think I would feel much the same with your facility,

I am wondering on those new frag tanks, how wide are they? THey look like they can hold a LOT of frages! What are the measurements on those? The blockwork under them is very nicely done.

I am looking forward to seeing much more of your project.
@Apercula & dahenley - The small tanks below have their own T5 lights (2-4 36" lights depending on the tank). There is a fan inside the concrete stand that blows air behind the 30-gallon tanks to cool the fixtures lights (a precaution given the tight quarters).

This whole system is a little counter-intuitive. It is meant to rely on artificial light while attempting to block out as much sun as possible. Some corals we've noticed over the years cannot handle the seasonal fluctuation of light very well such as SPS, Chalices, and some LPS like Cyphastrea. This system is as close to an indoor system as it gets for being in a greenhouse.

As a side note, one of the small tanks I might do a constant-feeding non-photo. I haven't quite decided. I'll see what my budget looks like after I get lighting for the top tanks. Speaking of the top tanks...

@jake levi & dahenley - The two top tanks are 96" x 48" x 12" (240-gallons) each. The glass is 1/2" Starphire. I plan to do SPS in them because SPS is one of the things that has not done well at all in any of the other systems that are better suited for LPS, soft corals, and zoanthids. I am still deciding on the lights and will probably go with a mix of T5 and LED across the entire top.

I agree, I think they can hold a ton of frags. Sometimes I just look at it and marvel at just how much area that is for little 1" frags.
are you going to use much supplemental flow for those massive 8' tanks?

and have you thought of using a blue mini shade cloth propped over the top tanks to give less light penetration and gives a 20K feel?
(im no greenhouse expert.....)
Yes, we are going to use a combination of Korallia-type powerheads and Tunze wave boxes. I've never used the wave boxes before, so I figured this was a good opportunity to try them out.

I looked into Chrominet Blue shade cloth, but haven't pulled the trigger yet. For this particular system, I am more likely to build almost a tent-like structure to block light. One of the issues I run into is when visitors come to the greenhouse during the day, the sunlight really makes the corals look unflattering. Once the sun goes down, the greenhouse really is a different place altogether, and I am hoping to be able to recreate that effect during the day by use of heavy shading on this set of tanks.
Such a nice setup! With such large tanks, I think you should consider surge tanks for flow. Also no moving parts and can be run off the main pump (less electricity/things to maintain). Also SPS will love the sun, they may not look flattering, but you can take pics in the sun and under normal tank lights to compare for people. Have a little picture book for people to look at.
True. Have corals in the. Top tank for growth and fragging, and move them down to the hidden tanks for color and acclimation to tank lighting.

I think a blue tent (like you mentioned) would be good for lowering the intensity to have better success but without loosing growth rates.

Just an option.
Plus, it gives a good color for colonies while visitors are in
" @jake levi & dahenley - The two top tanks are 96" x 48" x 12" (240-gallons) each. The glass is 1/2" Starphire. "

What brand are these ?-- they look pretty cool
This is one of my favorite thread to follow. Your setup is amazing. Do you allow visitors to see your setup? Just wondering in case I'm ever in your area. Would love to see this in person.
@kayaking2 - We do have visits to the greenhouse on an appointment basis. There are no open hours or anything because it really isn't a retail setup.

In other news, we finished plumbing the latest set of tanks and have started filling it and testing it for leaks. There are a million places it can leak so I expect I'll be pretty busy plugging holes for a while. So far so good though.
prop tank envy

prop tank envy

LOL Steve !

Me too, I keep comparing this with pics of the original Instant Ocean Hatchery !

Different focus, but both fascinating. A whole industry has come up since the IO beginnings. I have been priveleged to watch it and participate.

My goals now are much more modest, a couple softy tanks, some nem tanks, and some fish tanks, clowns and centropyge. . In my retirement my 'job' is search & rescue and that gets priority, the marines and some rare chickens are for fun. If I find the right place I could see a smaller version of a Tropicorium greenhouse, 4-5 vats, and some tanks, and heaven among the orchids and occasional tomato plant.
Your greenhouse is an inspiration to us all. The coral close-ups on page one are downright ridiculous. Any chance I can get you to host high-res copies of them and post up the links for us all? Or can I PM you my email addy and beg you to email them to me?
Than, I built a polycarbonate greenhouse like yours. When I told a friend that it has a film to filtr out U/V, he said that would affect my coral colors because the pigments were used for U/V protection. What does your experience show regarding the U/V filter and reduced SPS colors?

Many thanks.
I'm subscribed to your youtube channel and have enjoyed your helpful videos! Shame that the natural light isn't working the way you would like. You seem to be doing great though regardless.