So it looks like a new tank is coming my way very soon. While the upgrade will be nothing major, it's still going to be a nice jump from a 2ft cube to a standard 3x2x2, which is what I've been looking at doing for a while now. The tank is a brand new and completely unused tank as the person selling never got the chance to set it up but it is also literally just the tank! I need to do the stand, sump and plumbing myself. Something I've never done but something I'm really looking forward to as I will be able to really fine tune it to what I want, largely silence and a much more accessible sump! lol
If I were to design a tank outright it would be a little different from this one, namely opti-clear glass and a coast overflow, this is a corner internal overflow and is standard 10mm glass. I am not really phased by this though as I know plenty of standard glass tanks that are awesome!
While I'll be picking the tank up on Monday, I have no idea when I'll actually be setting it up! I plan on getting some really nice rock and cooking it up for a month or two with some bak and antiphos so that it's pretty much perfect when it all comes together rather than hurry things along because I'm worried about my animals living in a tube for too long!
The other really nice thing about moving up by a single foot in length is that I won't have to buy any equipment, not a single piece! lol Lights are perfectly suited to a 3ft tank, skimmer will do it easy, zeo reactor might be full as-a but it'll manage (just lol), I have a waveline DC6000 that will give me a good old boost in flow and be perfect. The only real piece of equipment will be some new powerboards that'll be needed to run things but that isn't a desperate need! Powerheads I've got plenty of to create some excellent flow and the doser is spot on so I'm set haha. Also on the mention of costs, there won't be much increase aside from zeovit stones and carbon

Water changes will still run at 25L weekly and the rest of my zeo dosing will go from a terrible 2 drops per most products to an absolutely awful 3 drops
The sump I want to run with a really basic design and keep it simple. Inlet section with socks and skimmer, middle section LR/frags/whatever equipment lol and a return section with ato and doser outlet. Basic really

I'd love to get an ATO reservoir in the stand to basically hide everything away
Any thoughts or suggestions for me?? I would love to hear what people think as it's a bit of new territory for me with all of this but I should be solid given how much time I spend doing hobby related things