50 Cube SPS Zeo Reef

Just got finished reading through the thread! Can't believe i missed it. Im in a little conundrum now.... Sahin convinced me a little while back to go with the ati led powermodule and im loving it. And now biggles and you are starting to turn me towards the MH T5 combo... I guess ill just have to see what your corals look like in a couple of weeks. Excited for you! Not so with the thought of opening my wallet for non coral purchases.
Here we go with a long page of talking and no pictures lol. I got a halide t5 combo also and love it. 2 250w and 8 bulb.
Just got finished reading through the thread! Can't believe i missed it. Im in a little conundrum now.... Sahin convinced me a little while back to go with the ati led powermodule and im loving it. And now biggles and you are starting to turn me towards the MH T5 combo... I guess ill just have to see what your corals look like in a couple of weeks. Excited for you! Not so with the thought of opening my wallet for non coral purchases.
If Radium team Darth Acro and acrotrooper were able to convince you into going with a Radium you would not regret the decision! :cool: stunning lights! A cebu sun is definitely the unit you want to get I love mine lol

Let's try shipping interstate before attempting intercontinental !!!
Only for you Nils haha :p

Here we go with a long page of talking and no pictures lol. I got a halide t5 combo also and love it. 2 250w and 8 bulb.
Geeezzz tough crowd the pics are coming any minute now ;)
Well given that the weekend is pretty much so is my time for plans! haha I'm pretty stoked with everything I got done too :)

Yesterday had to be one of the better days I've had in quite some time :D Not only did I score a bunch of stunning frags but I got to have a really good chat with my favourite reefer. The oh so wonderous Andrew (Biggles) lol, what a day! What I thought would be a few hours turned out to be an 8hr day! haha We (I say "we" but I just stood and watched haha) also upgraded my Cebu Sun to be Radium compatible and my oh my do I love it :D the Radium is an absolutely beautiful bulb and combined with my T5 combo it just looks perfect. I have exactly what I want with my lighting!
New frags :D still settling so not overly happy at the moment but they're all stunners!

And this chalice is off to the side but it's FRIGGIN AMAZING

The lights are now one 20K Radium with 2x blue+ and 2x actinic T5 tubes. I love the blue of the t5's as I get a near LED pop from my zoa's and everything but once the Radium comes on it's the perfect balance of white and blue for the high light times (currently at 5hrs of halide and 12hrs of T5, t5 time won't be changing though).

Here's the comparison shots between 14k and old combo and the new 20k and new combo (difference in t5's is I took out the single aquablue special and put a second actinic in).
14K full auto shoot mode then slightly custom with custom WB:

Now 20K with full auto and then the custom shoot using the same white balance to show colour difference:

As you can clearly see the new combo and bulb is much bluer and I'm enjoying it even more! I am just so in love with my tank at the moment with all the slight changes I'm making :) nearing perfection haha NOT!

I finally have my dosing sorted out again, Kore 5th is online with dosing stabilising out again :) need to refill my mg and get a few other elements going too!

Last but not least for the weekend (I couldn't find the right cabinet :( ) I finally mounted the correct hanging kit to the tank and have look sexy as!! :D I'm stoked!

I also took a shot of my two favourite corals just because eye-candy ;)
Goldrush monti:

Aus Rainbow zoa's :D I actually like these guys just a little more than my rasta's even though the rasta's are much brighter! lol
Dang Dom!!!
I had the same fixture over my 70 cube(30x30x18"), colors popped, like yours are now, wow what a difference, the corals are glowing already :)
Looks like the surgery with Andrew went well, outstanding! :thumbsup:
Meant to ask, how high off the waterline did you hang your light?
It went swimmingly :fish1: was such a fantastic day to see my favourite reef in person and get time to chat with the reefer that inspires me the most!
They about the same height as they were which is 4" off the water but I'm going to raise them marginally to 5.5". Everything seems happy and the light spill is pretty contained at this height so I'm happy :)

Dang Dom!!!
I had the same fixture over my 70 cube(30x30x18"), colors popped, like yours are now, wow what a difference, the corals are glowing already :)
Thanks Perry :D I'm absolutely stoked with it! This is the beginnings of what I've been striving for over the years! :inlove:

What happened to your Calcium Reactor? Just sticking with dosing for now?

For the moment I'm sticking with simple dosing, the solenoid and regulator are a little old and the trial run was overly promising lol so I'm going to stick with regular 3-part till I save some bickkies and just get some new parts and fire it up that way :) I've always had great success with 3-part so I'm not overly fussed but I would love to play with a calcium reactor eventually :)
Very nice that red chalice is nice bright red. How do you like the Kore doser.?
It is SO bright haha
I love the Kore :) I really loved my Kamoer doser, simple to use and easy to play with but the Kore is miles beyond it (thankfully given the price haha)! I love being able to run it from my laptop (bluetooth enabled) and change and tweak everything from there. Depending on how my cable management ends up I may even use the ATO function on the doser but we'll see what happens with that :) I'd highly recommend it to anyone that has the cash to afford it! I got mine brand new but second hand the person hadn't used it so it was a steal once I put my Kamoer in as part of the deal haha
Sweet bud ya I was gonna get one but I ended up with the Dos , just like how it is all connected to my apex. If i need another doser i might get the Kore.
Sweet bud ya I was gonna get one but I ended up with the Dos , just like how it is all connected to my apex. If i need another doser i might get the Kore.

Have you had any issues with the DOS?? I have only heard bad things/issues about it so far :uhoh3: I love the Kore though so you definitely won't go wrong if you do add one :)
Have you had any issues with the DOS?? I have only heard bad things/issues about it so far :uhoh3: I love the Kore though so you definitely won't go wrong if you do add one :)

You're starting to sound suspiciously like a gadget reefer Dom, if you keep this crap up i'm going to come around with my intervention hammer and sort your equipment out for you............. :hammer:
You're starting to sound suspiciously like a gadget reefer Dom, if you keep this crap up i'm going to come around with my intervention hammer and sort your equipment out for you............. :hammer:
I love gadgets! :D wouldn't buy into them myself but I always follow the updates on new tech and wizmo gizmo's! :uhoh3: I still run pretty simple though, the doser I have is the only real gadget I have :wildone:
Looks like there might be a new journal on the horizon :D "The Radium Reef" picking up a steal on Monday :D
So it looks like a new tank is coming my way very soon. While the upgrade will be nothing major, it's still going to be a nice jump from a 2ft cube to a standard 3x2x2, which is what I've been looking at doing for a while now. The tank is a brand new and completely unused tank as the person selling never got the chance to set it up but it is also literally just the tank! I need to do the stand, sump and plumbing myself. Something I've never done but something I'm really looking forward to as I will be able to really fine tune it to what I want, largely silence and a much more accessible sump! lol
If I were to design a tank outright it would be a little different from this one, namely opti-clear glass and a coast overflow, this is a corner internal overflow and is standard 10mm glass. I am not really phased by this though as I know plenty of standard glass tanks that are awesome!

While I'll be picking the tank up on Monday, I have no idea when I'll actually be setting it up! I plan on getting some really nice rock and cooking it up for a month or two with some bak and antiphos so that it's pretty much perfect when it all comes together rather than hurry things along because I'm worried about my animals living in a tube for too long!
The other really nice thing about moving up by a single foot in length is that I won't have to buy any equipment, not a single piece! lol Lights are perfectly suited to a 3ft tank, skimmer will do it easy, zeo reactor might be full as-a but it'll manage (just lol), I have a waveline DC6000 that will give me a good old boost in flow and be perfect. The only real piece of equipment will be some new powerboards that'll be needed to run things but that isn't a desperate need! Powerheads I've got plenty of to create some excellent flow and the doser is spot on so I'm set haha. Also on the mention of costs, there won't be much increase aside from zeovit stones and carbon :) Water changes will still run at 25L weekly and the rest of my zeo dosing will go from a terrible 2 drops per most products to an absolutely awful 3 drops :P

The sump I want to run with a really basic design and keep it simple. Inlet section with socks and skimmer, middle section LR/frags/whatever equipment lol and a return section with ato and doser outlet. Basic really :) I'd love to get an ATO reservoir in the stand to basically hide everything away :)

Any thoughts or suggestions for me?? I would love to hear what people think as it's a bit of new territory for me with all of this but I should be solid given how much time I spend doing hobby related things :P
Hey buddy. "Radium Reef" sounds very promising. I'd love a 3x2x2. Corner overflows are ugly and take up a lot of space. I had one on my current tank. I ripped it out, plugged the holes on the bottom pane, drilled the back and fitted a sleek Oceanlife overflow. Looks much better and the space gained is awesome.

Since you have your current tank going nicely, take ALL your time setting up the new tank. All the things you dislike about the current tank, take your time and ensure the new tank doesnt have those things.

There are some amazing sumps available in the US...not sure if you can get similar stuff in in Aus.

Stands are pretty easy to build if you have the main wood working tools. If you know a buddy who can weld up a metal frame, that would be awesome due to the amount of space saved. Alternative is an aluminium frame. Either way, you then skin it yourself. otherwise the easier and cheaper option, but less space is a stand built out of wood.