50 Cube SPS Zeo Reef

Tanks looking pretty good mate. Please document the colour changes as best as possible. :) Following with interest. :)
Well I've got the FTS for overall comparison lol I'm getting some stuff for some better top-down and macro shots in the next week or so, hopefully I can get some much better pics from the new bits lol I want to be able to see the change as much as everyone else though lol

i rkn after a week you should get some rainbow in that monti :lol2:
Here's to hoping there's a little more rainbow in my future :jester:

Looking great Wrangy! I'm also interested in seeing the color shift in your corals.
Thanks mate :) I'm really hoping there's a nice big shift to the awesome side of the scale ;)
Took a bunch of coral pics yesterday under the t5's as the MH was off so I have a hard comparison now for future. Will upload comparison shots at the end of next week and then another two weeks after that :)
I liked the video mate :thumbsup: I can assure you there will be big changes to the health and colors of your corals over the next month or two. :dance:
Have you got the ballast for the Radium bulb yet, what bulb is in the unit atm btw ?
Looking good :cool:
Thanks mate :)

I liked the video mate :thumbsup: I can assure you there will be big changes to the health and colors of your corals over the next month or two. :dance:
Have you got the ballast for the Radium bulb yet, what bulb is in the unit atm btw ?
Means a lot coming from you :) I'm hoping the changes are mind-blowing :uhoh3: lol I'm sure they will be, even if coaxing is needed :hammer:

Got the ballast this morning! Although need to swap the plugs over so that the plug from the unit matches the one on the ballast :facepalm: The unit currently has a 14K Hamilton bulb in it
Can you do me a favor before you swap the bulbs with the one i give you and take some untouched FTS's so we can compare the blueness of the bulbs that the camera captures much better than our eyes. I'd expect to see a much bluer image captured under the 250W Radium compared to a 14K bulb.

It really will be much easier to get where you want to be with your SPS display now mate, there's a reason i have only ever run Radiums :beer:
Can you do me a favor before you swap the bulbs with the one i give you and take some untouched FTS's so we can compare the blueness of the bulbs that the camera captures much better than our eyes. I'd expect to see a much bluer image captured under the 250W Radium compared to a 14K bulb.

It really will be much easier to get where you want to be with your SPS display now mate, there's a reason i have only ever run Radiums :beer:

I can certainly take an unedited shot under each bulb before and after the change, I'll use full auto settings so that I have no influence how the shots turn out :)

If it were anyone but you telling me this I would be a little skeptical but you have my complete trust! With the new ballast though, am I better off changing the cables so that the connections are correct or will it be easier/better to swap the cord and lamp socket out to the new one as the current plugs don't match up (unit to ballast)?
If you can easily open the light unit and get at the lead connections i would swap the entire cables over so the round pin lead that came with the ballast is wired to your unit. My 400W unit came with no plug just the lead so i cut the plug off the old unit and used three wire connectors to join the two and taped the whole join up :)
If you can easily open the light unit and get at the lead connections i would swap the entire cables over so the round pin lead that came with the ballast is wired to your unit. My 400W unit came with no plug just the lead so i cut the plug off the old unit and used three wire connectors to join the two and taped the whole join up :)

Thanks for the help, I feel much better about breaking into the light and changing things over now! I'm not sure if I'll replace the socket on the light though as the pack came with a lamp socket attached to the new cabling :) I'll see what the wires on the inside look like haha
Looking good bud. I wish they made DE radium bulb for 250w. Been looking specially they stop making the 14k phoenix.
If you're not sure what you're doing just bring the whole lot around to my place and we'll sort it out. I haven't electrocuted myself for close to twelve months now so i'm on a roll with electrickery...........:thumbsup:

They won't ever make a DE 250W Radium so stop day dreaming and start looking for a new halide setup Dan. :idea:
I completely agree with Andrew on this topic, a 250 watt radium will blow your colors up in no time. I have personal experience with this bulb, and can tell you comfortably that you will not be disappointed. I hear what Andrew is looking for in the comparison pics, he wants to undeniably prove that this bulb is far superior. I tried the same 14k hamilton, I preferred 14k phoenix over that bulb. You will notice that the 20k burns whiter on the proper ballast, it will not be too blue, you will be amazed how bright the bulb burns, give it 2 weeks to break in, and your corals will glow... Excited over here :)
wow.. another thread i missed..
welcome to club radium!
that robusta is fantabulous!
love the big clam as well..
wow.. another thread i missed..
welcome to club radium!
that robusta is fantabulous!
love the big clam as well..

The clam has to go, it's a waste of acro space. I haven't had 'the talk' with Dom yet but it's comming trust me......... :hmm5:
Looking good bud. I wish they made DE radium bulb for 250w. Been looking specially they stop making the 14k phoenix.
Thanks mate, As Andrew said, time for a new light ;)

If you're not sure what you're doing just bring the whole lot around to my place and we'll sort it out. I haven't electrocuted myself for close to twelve months now so i'm on a roll with electrickery...........:thumbsup:
I would really appreciate that, I could probably manage myself but your help would go a long way and make me feel a little more confident about doing it! :fun5:

I completely agree with Andrew on this topic, a 250 watt radium will blow your colors up in no time. I have personal experience with this bulb, and can tell you comfortably that you will not be disappointed. I hear what Andrew is looking for in the comparison pics, he wants to undeniably prove that this bulb is far superior. I tried the same 14k hamilton, I preferred 14k phoenix over that bulb. You will notice that the 20k burns whiter on the proper ballast, it will not be too blue, you will be amazed how bright the bulb burns, give it 2 weeks to break in, and your corals will glow... Excited over here :)
I'm not going to be upset if it burns really blue haha I love a bluer look on the tank :beachbum: Even with the 14K Hamilton I'm stoked! I love the look of the lights much more than what the led's could provide! I've already noticed colours coming back in what was shaded area's of the acro's and growth tips are starting to get more prominent too so good signs so far!

wow.. another thread i missed..
welcome to club radium!
that robusta is fantabulous!
love the big clam as well..
Thanks for the compliments! I'm looking forward to being a part of the Radium club

The clam has to go, it's a waste of acro space. I haven't had 'the talk' with Dom yet but it's comming trust me......... :hmm5:
Not "the talk"! you'll need some serious persuasive techniques for that clam to be moved anywhere :lol2:

Well... It'd make a wonderful soup for two...
hahahaha :eek::fun5: :debi:
Not "the talk"! you'll need some serious persuasive techniques for that clam to be moved anywhere :lol2:

I'll give you a hand sized grown from frag under a Radium bulb SSC colony to put in its place - and no, i am not joking.............. checkmate i think :smokin: