Ok so I thought since RC doesn't let you post mass pictures in a post, I'd do this photo journal style with a bit of text describing whats going on. I don't know if I'll get it all done tonight, but I'll give it a try.
Also note my wife took most of the pictures, so kudos to her
We had the delivery truck, UPS freight, drop off in our neighbors driveway. Why? because its a closer shot to the entry window than if we dropped off in my driveway, and I didn't want to drop off in the street.
When I say window, I really mean the carcase of what WAS a window.
Truck is backing into the driveway and half the guys are assembling. The unshaven, overweight loaf in the red shirt and blue shorts is me.
Yes, the guy in the black with his back to you is Miztic, a local reefer. Thanks for coming out Gerard. He's trying to hide.
I think the UPS man likes doughnuts.