600 gallon plywood Down Grade!

some more livestock shots:




The yellow tangs fins are starting to recover



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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14521661#post14521661 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnarowe
nice work. Those fish make that tank look small: :eek:

Ya it's hard to get a perception of depth from the pics, but It doesn't look quite as crowded in person. Plus they all come to the front of the glass when I'm around. No doubt though there are alot of fish, but aggression is minimal, There's plenty of food, and the water is clean.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14521747#post14521747 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Cougarman
Ya it's hard to get a perception of depth from the pics, but It doesn't look quite as crowded in person. Plus they all come to the front of the glass when I'm around. No doubt though there are alot of fish, but aggression is minimal, There's plenty of food, and the water is clean.
What type of fish next to the sailfin, one with the big eyes? Do you have a total count of the number of fish in the tnak? Looks good!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14523997#post14523997 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Goodwin9
What type of fish next to the sailfin, one with the big eyes? Do you have a total count of the number of fish in the tnak? Looks good!

It's a juvenile tonganus unicorn.
Off the top of my head there are 28 big fish, 7 chromis, 8 anthias, 1 sixline wrasse and 2 garden eels.
Man love this tank! Love the tangs!!!!! I am a tang lover wish i could put a lot of tangs in my 90g!! What is the tang which is all black and has some white on its tail?

Great that there was only good news when you got back from vacation !!!

You have had your share of "Stress" and did not need anything else to go wrong.

Also glad that your hitchhiker was a good news one.

Love your snorkling shots ... no missing your tank with that to look at.

How are the other fish doing that did not make it into the new tank? Tough choices you had to make. Things are looking really nice.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14527514#post14527514 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Reeftanks6
Man love this tank! Love the tangs!!!!! I am a tang lover wish i could put a lot of tangs in my 90g!! What is the tang which is all black and has some white on its tail?

Thanks alot.
I think the one you're talking about is the Acanthurus auranticavus. It actually has some colour, blue on the fin, but my new camera has trouble focussing on the dark fish. I have to learn to use it properly.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14528467#post14528467 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by regina574
Very nice tank! I love the garden eels, they are so much fun to watch when they actually come out.

Thanks. They're neat little creatures. Too bad I only see then about once per month.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14530372#post14530372 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Carant

Great that there was only good news when you got back from vacation !!!

You have had your share of "Stress" and did not need anything else to go wrong.

Also glad that your hitchhiker was a good news one.

Love your snorkling shots ... no missing your tank with that to look at.

How are the other fish doing that did not make it into the new tank? Tough choices you had to make. Things are looking really nice.


Thanks Bruce. Actually I had one loss over my vacation. I didn't realize my rabbit was missing from my 130 gallon until a couple days after I got back. When I looked behind the tank I found his body. Too bad because I had him for years. He was even featured in Reefkeeping magazine. I was on the fence about adding him to the 300, but I guess he made the decision for me. I really didn't expect to lose any fish in the transition. I've even moved houses and never lost a fish. Sucks.
Otherwise though everybody else is doing fine.
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14530897#post14530897 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sreef88
your tank looks great! Are you going to add anymore light or just stick with the three halides.

I'm going to stay with just 3 halides. I'm finding that it is more than enough light for the sps, and sometimes too much light for some of the softies. I still have to hook up my moonlights though.
I've started feeding the sps now that they have recovered well. I should start to see some growth.
Looking good Jared.
Does your Engineering Goby eat copepods/worms in the sand bed? I want to add mine to the reef but I am worried he might wipe out the live sand
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14532538#post14532538 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by prostaff
Looking good Jared.
Does your Engineering Goby eat copepods/worms in the sand bed? I want to add mine to the reef but I am worried he might wipe out the live sand

I've actually never seen him hunting for live food. I think he waits for me to feed him by hand with frozen and feeze dried krill and frozen silversides. He'll also extend himself out and catch any flake foods or other frozen foods that float by. He spends most days excavating the sand under the rocks. He has quite the network of tunnels. While I was away, he actually piled a mound of sand so high it covered one of my frogspawns. I lost a few heads because of it.
I read that they will easily accept a mate, so I may grow another one and eventually introduce it to the tank. I saw juveniles at the LFS for $15.
I have some questions in regards to the GE Merlin RO unit.
i must say that i LOVED it and i want to buy one like this.

my questions are:
1. you posted a photo that show the system is connected to the hot and cold water. i checked the GE manual and it doesnt show any connection to the hot water. can you please explain where did you connected the hot water supply to the RO unit?
2. what type od DI chamber you bought? and where did you get it?
3. what is the waste ratio of this system?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14534279#post14534279 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by LifeIsFish
I have some questions in regards to the GE Merlin RO unit.
i must say that i LOVED it and i want to buy one like this.

my questions are:
1. you posted a photo that show the system is connected to the hot and cold water. i checked the GE manual and it doesnt show any connection to the hot water. can you please explain where did you connected the hot water supply to the RO unit?
2. what type od DI chamber you bought? and where did you get it?
3. what is the waste ratio of this system?

1. I think the picture may have been deceiving, the unit is only connected to the cold water line.

2. I'm not sure on the DI chamber. It just came with the unit. I don't know if the store just added it in, or whether GE actually includes it. I can check who the manufacturer is when I get home and let you know.

3. I believe it is 25% good water to 75% waste (don't quote me on it though).

I hope this helps.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14532154#post14532154 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Cougarman
Thanks Bruce. Actually I had one loss over my vacation. I didn't realize my rabbit was missing from my 130 gallon until a couple days after I got back. When I looked behind the tank I found his body. Too bad because I had him for years. He was even featured in Reefkeeping magazine. I was on the fence about adding him to the 300, but I guess he made the decision for me. I really didn't expect to lose any fish in the transition. I've even moved houses and never lost a fish. Sucks.
Otherwise though everybody else is doing fine.


That is too bad about the rabbit fish ... the feature http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2008-12/fish/index.php actually help me decide to get one for myself (plus seeing yours). Mine is only 3" now but eating like a pig so I do not imagine it will be too long before "Buggs" is as big as yours was. He is a little skittish still however starting to hang out with the others. The yellow tang gave him a hard time when first introduced so he is recovering from that. Yellow tang is in the sump!

Two fish jumping on you ... hmmm going to think about to prevent this happening to me for the temporary tub that I have.

Pictures of the fish look great ... much less stressed looking than near the end of the "one week for delivery of the tank" situation.

Thanks for posting,

PS Did you ever have a Acanthurus Tennenti "Lietuenant"? I can not seem to see one in your pictures ... I thought maybe you did. And if so how was it's temperment?