600 gallon plywood Down Grade!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14313248#post14313248 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Cougarman
The rays fine. He's bullet proof. With all the open sand, he's livin it up.

Rays are great. I loved the rays I had. I tried the tiny cortezes in a mostly open sand bed 150 reef. The first one I had for 6 monthe until he mysteriously succumbed to death. I think it was a heart attack or something, I am unsure. He was fine and I checked 20 minutes later and he was in the same place but now dead.

The second I only had for a week because he quickly died of worms and it was uncurable. I've considered trying one again and just haven't.

How long have you had him? Was he in the 600 gallon plywood or is he a new addition?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14337493#post14337493 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by FishyMel
Rays are great. I loved the rays I had. I tried the tiny cortezes in a mostly open sand bed 150 reef. The first one I had for 6 monthe until he mysteriously succumbed to death. I think it was a heart attack or something, I am unsure. He was fine and I checked 20 minutes later and he was in the same place but now dead.

The second I only had for a week because he quickly died of worms and it was uncurable. I've considered trying one again and just haven't.

How long have you had him? Was he in the 600 gallon plywood or is he a new addition?

This os actually the 2nd one I've had. The 1st one lived in my 600 for about 2.5 yrs. One day it didn't come out to feed. I found him jammed b/w the tank koroguard background and the back of the tank. Some how he had trapped himself in there. This guy I got last spring/summer. He's been doing great ever since. The only issue, is sometimes the cleaner wrasse harasses him a bit. Right now the cleaner wrasse is in one of the side tanks.
The garden eel is cool!

Is it in the sand bed in your DT? If so won't the ray snack on him?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14339433#post14339433 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Bax
The garden eel is cool!

Is it in the sand bed in your DT? If so won't the ray snack on him?

They're in my deepsand bed right now. I plan to add them to the DT. The Ray didn't bother them before, so hopefully he'll be the same when I finally add them to the DT.
Well it was a rough morning. I was stunned by this scene infront my tank.


Of course it's the Fowlers tang. Something must have startled it during the night. Another member of my household found him 1st. Someone explain to me why it's never the $20 yellow tang that jumps.

So with the Fowlers dead, I decided I could add the rest of my small tangs and one naso.


my Yellow tang has seen better days




Looking Good!!!! That sucks what happened to the Fowler's Tang, you planning on making some mesh covers for the tank?
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14391405#post14391405 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by thechad21
Wow man, that is a LOT of BIG fish. What kind of skimmer are you running?

I run 2 skimmers. An Aqua C EV2000 and an MRC 4 foot dual beckett recirculater.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14391165#post14391165 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 46bfinGA
Looking Good!!!! That sucks what happened to the Fowler's Tang, you planning on making some mesh covers for the tank?

Eventually I'm gonna make a canopy. That should do the trick. The Fowlers was the new guy. The rest have been in my system for years, so I shouldn't have a problem with them jumping.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14476318#post14476318 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Goodwin9
Great looking pictures! Now when are you going to add the names to each picture :confused:

Haha. All I know is after seeing wild Atlantic Blue and Baha tangs, I want one of each for my tank.