600 gallon plywood Down Grade!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14476359#post14476359 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Cougarman
Haha. All I know is after seeing wild Atlantic Blue and Baha tangs, I want one of each for my tank.
Did you see the video of Jonathan's Atlantic Blue?
Ahh yes, a true and veritable reef. All captive displays pale in comparison to its complexity and beauty, but that doesn't mean we can't try to create beauty in captivity. Wonderful photos cougarman.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14481308#post14481308 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tryingsalt
How many times a day do you feed all those fish. What do you feed them and what does it cost you a week?

I feed them once a day. Sometimes on the weekend when I'm home they get some flakes during the day. I mainly feed them a mixture of frozen foods (mysis, plankton, krill, silver sides). If I'm in a rush I'll feed flakes and freeze dried krill. They also get 2-3 nori sheets a few times a week. I feed alot, I think it keeps any aggression to a minimum and keeps them from picking at the corals. I'm not sure how much it costs a week, but It's not cheap.
After two failed tries to keep one, I got a third Fowerli. This one is about 7" and I placed it in a section of the specimen tank all by it self. I sure hope that this one makes it.....

looks good man. nice size too. I've decided to wait a bit til my tank stabilizes before I try again. If I can find one that is.
Since Jared is somewhat of a tang fan, I will post a bit about the ABT I got a couple months ago. This fish was aquired the day after it was brought into an LFS because it had out-grown its former tank. It looked very healthy so I took the chance. When I got him home, I started to freak out since it was actually measuring at 11.5" in the 5g bucket, and Michael Scott's published maximum size for an ABT is 9.5".

So, nice acclimation, introduced after lights out, no real aggression shown. The whole deal is documented in my thread of course, but the gist is that although a couple much smaller fish went at the ABT, obviously noithing came of it. The one serious issue was eating. He refused to eat and I threw all I had at him. various fresh, frozen, and even commercial crap, but no go. I really started to panic but he LFS put me in touch with the previous owner and we figured out it was simply the method he was accustomed to. Once I switched to her method, he started to eat and has been a bottomless pit ever since.

There are quite a few pics in my photobucket account as well.

Big Blue on youtube: make sure to click on "high quality".

The previous owner is pretty darn happy that Blue found an adequate home, but I must say that he really makes my tank look small. He has also continued to grow and I am guessing is an even 12" by now, maybe larger. :eek:
Thanks for posting that video jnarowe. Amazing. I've never seen an ABT that big. A real find if you ask me. Good thing the store kept in contact with the owner. I think if it was me, I would've upgraded to a bigger tank to fit the fish!

Every time I see that vid I just love it! He's a beauty!


Those wild ABT pics are just amazing!!!
Thanks guys. In person he is really cool. He has this wicked color changing stunt too. He can turn his entire front half nearly ghost white. Very weird to see him do it.

And yeah, I guess I would have upgraded too. This is indeed a prize of a fish. I really wonder how big he will get. The food I feed is far and away beyond what he was getting in quality and quantity, so it should be interesting to see just how big he can get.

I have said it before but it bears a repeat: This fish really does bring home the size issue. I have always wanted a vlamingi because I have just found them to be extremely personable and fun fish to be around. I have been offered to take a couple that are 14 and 18" and I have always said no. And I have a pretty darn big tank, but I am now more than ever glad I didn't buy any monster fish.

Not just for the waste faactor but for the reef illusion I try to create and enjoy in my system. So, word of warning to all you tang lovers, don't get crazy!
Hi, Thats a very nice collection of fish, and a nice looking tank to boot!

One question, what were the dimensions of your original 600g tank?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14502879#post14502879 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Coyle
Hi, Thats a very nice collection of fish, and a nice looking tank to boot!

One question, what were the dimensions of your original 600g tank?

Thanks, the original tank was:
8 long x 3.5 deep x 3 high
Well the corals seem to be acclimating well to the new system. Their colours returned while I was on vacation.

I came upon this very large sps coral in a LFS on the weekend. It's rare to see a coral this size for sale. They said it was grown in captivity and the owner decided to break down his tank. I thought it would look grat in my tank, and they gave me a very reasonable price on it. Hopefully it will colour up with time. There are some neon green areas in it.


After watching the coral for a while, I noticed a hitchhiker. It appears to be a sixline wrasse.

I also added a replacement Powder blue tang to the tank. I've been watching this guy for the last few weeks at a LFS. Most stores medicate their fish, so I usually acclimate them in a seperate tank for a few weeks. This store has had him in a non medicated tank system with live rock and regular fish additions. He seems to have acclimated well. I thought his immune system would be healthy enough to add to my system without acclimating. Also he's a little bigger than the majority of my other Acanthurus, so he can fend for himself.



Here are some FTS

