600 gallon plywood Down Grade!

That green monti you just added has some damage - I'd give it a dip and a close look to check for monti eating nudis. Could just be some random damage, but better safe than sorry.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14626732#post14626732 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Cougarman
It's a giant Sailfin tang.

If you look at the first page of the post, there are some pictures of the Sailfin tang. These are of the original tank. You can see the entire fish and see the colours in the tail.

The newer photo is much clearer ... Maybe we can ask for a newer shot of the Sailfin ... Please :D

As requested here are a few pics of the sailfin over the span of starting the new tank up. In some of the pics you can see the stresses of the transition in the form of scuff marks and frayed fins. In later pics he has healed up well. This is the biggest sailfin I've ever seen in captivity.







<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14638818#post14638818 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Reeftanks6
Great photos! I love my sailfin one of the coolest fish i have ever owned! How big is your sailfin?

He's a big big guy. minimum 12 inches nose to tail. He's fat too, 2-3 inches of gerth! I'm gonna get a ruler and put it on the front glass to see how big he really is.
WOW!! What an amazing fish! My saiflin is about 5 if that! But he is one fat thing for his size he is about an inch thick! Were at the point where he is growing really slow i got him when he was about an inch 1/2 since i put him in my 90 he has grown about 4 inches in 1 year my tank just got past its 1 year mark a little bit ago!
Geez, you have some monster tangs! I know you just got this tank, but I feel you need an upgrade already! That pic looked weird of the salfin, the blue in the fin is what threw me off, you don't see it in the other photos. Thanks for the pics, gorgeous fish.
I'm still playing with my camera. Though I'd post a few more pics.

Some new ones of the sailfin.


The new Powder blue is doing well. Still has a bit of ich, but sticking it out.

The Moorish idol's streamer is growing.

Some others



Some of the guys from the 130 gallon.




I also took some close up shots. Hard to do, but they turned out well.

I like how the stripe goes through the eye.




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Wow ... great shots! :cool:

The eye of the sailfin ... that is actually quite amazing how it is independent of the body .. but matches up perfectly even the smaller sub yellow stripe. The partial head shots that are really in focus show so much detail that you normally miss.

Keep up with the practice. We will help you out by drooling over them. How about one of the Naso Brevirostris.

Wow. I love seeing nice fat well fed fish. Awesome pics dude. You never answered my question about how big was the sailfin when you first got it??
Well I must say those are the first pics I have seen of a bicolor parrot that made it that far in its life in captivity. Nice job with it, BUT I hope there is some public aquarium or huge tank waiting for it.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14648330#post14648330 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by prostaff
Wow. I love seeing nice fat well fed fish. Awesome pics dude. You never answered my question about how big was the sailfin when you first got it??

The sailfin was big when I got it. I saw it in a lfs and it was terrified, in the corner of a small tank. Not many people could house a fish that big. I was pretty sure he wouln't survive. I had my 600 gallon, so I purchased him. He didn't eat for 2 weeks. It's hard to get the big ones to accept prepared food, but eventually he did and he's been fine ever since.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14649441#post14649441 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tcmfish
Well I must say those are the first pics I have seen of a bicolor parrot that made it that far in its life in captivity. Nice job with it, BUT I hope there is some public aquarium or huge tank waiting for it.

Thanks. The parrot is one of my oldest fish. An uninformed purchase I must admit. He's about 6 inches and hasn't changed in over 3 yrs. I don't anticipate any more growth in him. He has passed his growth phase.
Keep in mind that growth can be controlled in captivity to a certain degree. Fish will not necessarily get as big as they do in the wild.
In this case the parrotfish may have the genetic potential to grow 3 feet, but environment has influenced gene expression and kept him smaller. Just as with humans there is an optimal growth phase after which time the fish will not grow any bigger. He may get fatter, but not bigger in structure.
I've had an Acanthurus nigricaudus in my office 35 gallon for over 3 yrs. He's barely 2 inches long. The same fish in my home 300 gallon is 5 inches. The smaller 35 gallon reduces the amount I feed and thus the fish is smaller. If I now put that fish in my 300 he will not necessarily grow any bigger, his growth phase is over. He's reached sexual maturity. He's a miniature fish.
All this said, every fish will reach a minimum size as dictated by their genes. Obviously a unicorn in a 35 gallon will out grow his home, but a small acanthurus may not. As is the case with my A. nigricaudus.