600 gallon plywood Down Grade!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14649743#post14649743 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sreef88
i love your tank man! those gigas clams are very impressive

Thanks. The clams are bullet proof. They went through the tank transition flawlessly. The one is growing alot faster than the other. Pretty soon I'll need a bigger tank for the clam, not just the fish.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14648255#post14648255 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Carant

Wow ... great shots! :cool:

The eye of the sailfin ... that is actually quite amazing how it is independent of the body .. but matches up perfectly even the smaller sub yellow stripe. The partial head shots that are really in focus show so much detail that you normally miss.

Keep up with the practice. We will help you out by drooling over them. How about one of the Naso Brevirostris.


Thanks Bruce. The convict tang and copperband are the same with the stripe throght the eye. Amazing how evolution works. I'll try to get the brevrostris up close.
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Well I accidentally left the top off water pump on too long. I had disable the auto top-off while I was messing around with the tank, and was manually tppoing it off. I went from a SG of 1.026 to 1.022. It stressed the new corals a bit, and there was some die off on my new big colony. The fish were unaffected, but my blue starfish stopped moving around for a few days. Today he started crawling around again. I've since gradually brought the salinity back up again.
Here's a pic of the die off. It has since subsided and the colour is returning to the remainder of the coral.

Otherwise no other issues. I figured out how to get some close ups of the other fish. I stuck a spirilina pellet to the glass and then waited for each fish to take their turn picking at it.







The greed monti has really coloured up

The blue zoo colony is continuing to multiply

The new big brown acro colony is starting to turn green.
Wow very nice! Love the corals and that it is a great way to get close ups!

Got one question for you. When you introduce a new fish and he doesnt start to eat what do you do? Cause my new tang isnt eating yet and i got hime last tuesday.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14715156#post14715156 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Reeftanks6
Wow very nice! Love the corals and that it is a great way to get close ups!

Got one question for you. When you introduce a new fish and he doesnt start to eat what do you do? Cause my new tang isnt eating yet and i got hime last tuesday.

Reeftanks6. The toughest part is getting them to eat, especially if there being picked on. Sometimes it takes a couple weeks. Just make sure there's lots of food available to him. Try all different types. Sometimes they'll only eat frozen mysis. If he's looking lethargic then maybe it's worth isolating him til he's eating.

I have a seperate 120 gallon tank setup with my new fish in it. I leave them in there to make sure they are eating well before I introduce them to the main display. That way if they stop eating for a few days, they have the reserves to survive. Most though once they are used to eating flakes, eat right away when they get into the display tank.

Hope this helps. What kind of tang is he? Feel free to post pics.
Thanks cougar for the info. Yea i am feeding a lot more then i usally do know. It is a clown tang. I know it shouldnt be in my tank cause of the tank size but when he gets to big if he gets big hopefully he does then i will trade him back in for something else or sell him to someone. You can see some pictures of the fish in my thread. Just click the red house. I am going to post some later tonight probably.
Tough tang to keep Reeftanks6. I've not been successful with clown tangs. Good luck, I hope it works out.
You could make your own food like jnarowe if there's an Asian food store near you.
Crap...just lost a large post...

You don't really need an Asian store, although that will often make it less expensive. DIY Fish Food

You can use any human grade seafood and dried unseasoned nori (seaweed). In fact I use organic wildcrafted seaweed from Kalifornia, but it is VERY expensive. My main issue is that not only are the fish resistent to prepared foods, but most of those foods have toxic substances in them.

I am not going to get into naming brands, or even those ingredients because I do not want to get into trouble with RC or even the manufacturers themselves (it has happened in the past), but they all have justifications as to why they use these ingredients.

I don't buy it one bit because there are a myriad of ingredients not known to be harmful to fish that could serve the same purpose. In fact, the more paranoid part of my psyche leads me to wonder if in fact it isn't on purpose to generate fish sales. :eek: You can easily look up the ingredients in your favorite fish foods to find the offending substances.

I also don't like prepared fish foods because of the extraordinary amount of pollutants they bring with them like phosphate, nitrate, etc. Take some, soak it in RO/DI and allow to settle out. Then test the water. And I hope you have a change of pants. It is UNREAL how much pollutants we add just with our fish food.
That's interesting. Sounds like I'll not only save money but maybe my fish will benefit. I may have to start making my own food. Just hope my wife will let me use the blender.
Food processor works better. :D If you are interested, I have a file somewhere that hi-lites toxic ingredients. You can PM.


More great pictures ... Great idea to get the head shots with the spirilina pellet to the glass trick. Glad that the top up mixup did not cause any serious damage or loses.

So just to be certain ... first picture is your Naso Brevirostris and the second is your Naso Annulatus?


So just to be certain ... first picture is your Naso Brevirostris and the second is your Naso Annulatus?


Yes that's right. The annulatus is growing like a weed. Brevirostris has been the same size for a while.