600 gallon plywood Down Grade!

Handy little item that helps to know when things need to be changed out.


I have the same meter and it read 28 tds raw water and 0 after my spectrapure 7 stage system producing 200gals/day. It is still giving me a zero reading 5 years later and several thousand gallons later. I figured it is lasting this long due to the relatively low amount of TDS going in but I am starting to worry. Do you guys know how to calibrate this meter? I know it says calibrate with NaCl solution on the back but does anyone know how to mix it??
I hate you guys with the low TDS readings
My tap water coming out is 805 PPM tell me that i dont use alot of membranes and DI
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14066722#post14066722 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by prostaff
I have the same meter and it read 28 tds raw water and 0 after my spectrapure 7 stage system producing 200gals/day. It is still giving me a zero reading 5 years later and several thousand gallons later. I figured it is lasting this long due to the relatively low amount of TDS going in but I am starting to worry. Do you guys know how to calibrate this meter? I know it says calibrate with NaCl solution on the back but does anyone know how to mix it??
I haven't done it on mine, but here are the instructions; http://www.tdsmeter.com/calibration_maintenance.html
Thanks Chuck. I just saw that page seconds before I came back to RC. Now I just have to find something else to buy from the store. The solution cost $6.99 and the shipping is $8.99!!
Total is barely $16 but is it just me or does it bug you to pay more for shipping than the actual item you want? Just doesn't sound or feel right. So I am going to have to find a whole bunch of things I probably don't need :-)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14066810#post14066810 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by asmodeus
I hate you guys with the low TDS readings
My tap water coming out is 805 PPM tell me that i dont use alot of membranes and DI

Wow thats the highest I've ever heard of. Is it city treated water or are you on well water?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14066810#post14066810 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by asmodeus
I hate you guys with the low TDS readings
My tap water coming out is 805 PPM tell me that i dont use alot of membranes and DI
Have you ever checked that reading with a second TDS meter? :confused:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14069346#post14069346 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Lunchbucket
where you guys buy you Merlins @ ?

Cougarman hope the transition goes smooth for you


Thanks Lunchbucket. I plan to start emptying the livestock tomorrow. The 300 was supposed to arrive on Fri, but has been delayed a week. I'll update the thread as I progress.

I bought mine at BWI plumbing

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14066810#post14066810 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by asmodeus
I hate you guys with the low TDS readings
My tap water coming out is 805 PPM tell me that i dont use alot of membranes and DI

There isn't a nuclear waste dump near by, is there? :lol:
Well I got alot done today. I started by removing all the corals from the 600 gallon. I put the sps in the 72, LPS and zoos in the 120 and the other softies in the 130.





Here's the 600 gallon minus the corals.




The Moorish Idol had a field day with all the eposed sponges.



Then I removed all the live rock and placed it in one of the 150 gallon tubs. I used tank water to fill the container. There was alot of rock. It took forever to remove it all.


I then started to drain the tank so I could begin catching fish.

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I had a big suprise when I discovered this sea monster. This bristle worms has got to be 2.5 feet long. Now I know what's been eating all my snails. I must have gone through 100 turbos in the last 3 years. Good thing I was wearing gloves. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with this guy. He'd make a neat pet I think, but He won't be going back into the display.


My convict blenny grew alot too. Got to be 14 or 15 inches.



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After much time and effort I was finallly able to catch the majority of fish and place them in the appropriate tanks.










So far 1 small yellow chromis, 1 green clown goby and a 12 inch coris wrasse are unaccounted for. There somewhere in here.



The corris wrasse has buried himself in the sand which is 6+ inches deep. I got tired so I put a couple power heads in the water to maintain water flow and I will catch him tomorrow when he resurfaces.

I also got a close look at the holes in the tank. They are bigger than I thought and almost through the plywood. I also found a couple others on the other side of the tank. This makes me glad I decided to break it down.




Here's a few green mushrooms that had attached themselves to the side of the tank.


Glad to see that you were busy. That bristleworm is really sick!

You have netted more fish so far this year than a lot of people do in a lifetime. Hope all goes well until the new tank shows up ... fingers are crossed that it is not delayed any longer.

Nice to be able to do this all in the basement ... the joys of not having your setup in the living room of the house ... it does make living with your spouse a lot easier :-)
