600 gallon plywood Down Grade!

Do you have a build thread on your plywood tank? I would like to now a few things about it like what epoxy you used how thick it was how many layers of fiberglass?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14081409#post14081409 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Carant

Glad to see that you were busy. That bristleworm is really sick!

You have netted more fish so far this year than a lot of people do in a lifetime. Hope all goes well until the new tank shows up ... fingers are crossed that it is not delayed any longer.

Nice to be able to do this all in the basement ... the joys of not having your setup in the living room of the house ... it does make living with your spouse a lot easier :-)


Definately easier with the tank in the basement. The drain in the floor comes in handy with all the water spills. Most of the mishaps my wife never sees or knows of. If the washer and dryer were upstairs, she'd never go down there. Definately a consideration for my next house. :lol:

Your right there was alot of fish to catch. The tang police may come calling with how I've stocked my temporary tanks!!
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14081443#post14081443 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by marinelife
Good pictures, I still wonder what caused them.

On closer look the epoxy appears to be peeling back. I'm pretty sure there were some pinsized holes that the water could penetrate. slowly over the years the wood eroded underneath and the epoxy over top flaked away.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14082360#post14082360 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Goodwin9
Doesn't look like a fun project. When is the new tank arriving?

The new tank is supposed to arrive on Fri afternoon. I still have quite a bit of work to do before then. The visiting in-laws really set me back. LOL
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14082401#post14082401 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Earl87gta
Do you have a build thread on your plywood tank? I would like to now a few things about it like what epoxy you used how thick it was how many layers of fiberglass?

No tank build thread. I wish I had. I used West system epoxy. 6 layers which obviously wasn't enough. I didn't use fiberglass as the plan was to be able to take the tank apart if needed. I mimiced these plans with some modifications on the front of the tank.

Well yesterday after the water cleared up I was able to locate and catch the small yellow chromis and green clown goby. The goby is now back in the safety of its Acro. The 10+ inch coris wrasse remains elusive. He can't hide forever. It's just a matter of time before I get him.
Wow that is a major undertaking, but no doubt you'll feel ridiculously accomplished once this is all done. Looks like a lot of fun! :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14090119#post14090119 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Electrobes
Wow that is a major undertaking, but no doubt you'll feel ridiculously accomplished once this is all done. Looks like a lot of fun! :)

Thanks. Once I get the sand out of the tank, most of the dirty work will be done. I'm still trying to decide what to do with the huge bristle worm. I may give him a home in my refugium. Hopefully they don't reproduce asexually. Does anyone know if they can?
I'm still trying to decide what to do with the huge bristle worm. I may give him a home in my refugium. Hopefully they don't reproduce asexually. Does anyone know if they can?


Since you have it isolated, I would do a little experiment. I know you mentioned that you added over 100 tubo snails over the past little while ... and thought that the bristleworm was the culprit.

Why not verify this? Not completely fair as the beast is likely hungry ... however this would confirm whether snails are on it's diet. Something this big has to eat alot!!!!!

Would love to know this for myself?

PS http://www.reefkeeping.com/issues/2003-04/rs/ good article and mentions that asexual reproduction is common ... however not sure for the huge bristleworm that you have.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14091468#post14091468 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Carant

Since you have it isolated, I would do a little experiment. I know you mentioned that you added over 100 tubo snails over the past little while ... and thought that the bristleworm was the culprit.

Why not verify this? Not completely fair as the beast is likely hungry ... however this would confirm whether snails are on it's diet. Something this big has to eat alot!!!!!

Would love to know this for myself?

PS http://www.reefkeeping.com/issues/2003-04/rs/ good article and mentions that asexual reproduction is common ... however not sure for the huge bristleworm that you have.

That's a good idea. I'm definately gonna try that. I'll feed him pieces of krill until Iam able to get some snails since every last one of mine perished.

Well I guess since they spawn there is a possibility of reproduction in my system even if the worm is in my refugium and not in the display. But I guess there would have to be atleast two worms to tango. Unless each worm has both male and female gametes. Hmmm. I'll have to research this.
I am really interested in this as well, if you can video it.. I'm sure you have a ton of people wanting to see that action ;)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14091971#post14091971 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Electrobes
I am really interested in this as well, if you can video it.. I'm sure you have a ton of people wanting to see that action ;)

I will try to video it if I can. Stay tuned!!
[ I'll feed him pieces of krill until Iam able to get some snails since every last one of mine perished.

Everyone is told that if you see bristleworms eating something ie like a clam .. it is because the clam died and the worms are just cleaning up.

However, with a beast that big ... my gut is telling me that maybe just maybe ... it would actually eat something alive if hungry enough.

Will wait to see if your offering of live "Escargot" will be consumed or not.

PS no garlic butter with the escargot, it will foul the water ;)

I've discovered the same worm than you, but a smaler one and is name (unice worm), and at this size this your worm eat snail, hermit and more.....
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14092500#post14092500 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by pompier19
I've discovered the same worm than you, but a smaler one and is name (unice worm), and at this size this your worm eat snail, hermit and more.....

I'll tell you I was stumped at what was happening to my snails the first 2 yrs my tank was up. I had a ton of normal sized turbos and they all dissapeared leaving only their shells. I though maybe one of the fish or the moray eel was getting them, so I went out and bought a bunch of huge turbos, 2-3 inches in size. Within a month they all one by one perished aswell. Finally I bought about 10 sea urchins instead, and they have survived for the last year. I have lots of unshelled snails reproducing in my refugium, but none in the display. There wasn't a single snail in my display when I broke it down. I used to have a whole bunch of little crabs living in the rocks too, but I didn't see any of them when I removed the rock. Some of the fish may have eaten them though. 3 yrs ao when I moved, and set up this tank, I had many long-lived snails and there was no worm of that size in the tank. This means this worm grew to 2.5+ feet in just 3 yrs. In the thickest part he's probably 3/4 inch in diameter. I'm lucky he didn't take my arm off when I was reaching in the tank. :lol:

1)what is the naso in the bowfront tank??

2)you have two naso that i dont recognize, they arent the vlamingii, unicornis or brevitous(what are they)

3)there a acanthurus next to your chevron in one of the pictures, what is that a dussemeir or fowleri?

Also I would be very intrested to see a fish list, Im still trying to figure out my stocking list for my 500gal
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14096005#post14096005 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by urbor

1)what is the naso in the bowfront tank??

2)you have two naso that i dont recognize, they arent the vlamingii, unicornis or brevitous(what are they)

3)there a acanthurus next to your chevron in one of the pictures, what is that a dussemeir or fowleri?

Also I would be very intrested to see a fish list, Im still trying to figure out my stocking list for my 500gal

The naso in the bowfront tank is a tonganus. I also have naso annulatus (the biggest one), naso brachycentron (almost as big). The acanthurus beside the chevron is the Dussumieris tang. I dont think the Fowleri is in any of the pics.
yeah i love your tank, reminds me alot of my old one

where do you purchase some of your more rare tangs??

and what is your plan for the tangs that you are not keeping?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14099779#post14099779 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by urbor
yeah i love your tank, reminds me alot of my old one

where do you purchase some of your more rare tangs??

and what is your plan for the tangs that you are not keeping?

Most I get from local fish dealers. The majority I've found at stores where they're not sure what it is so they just label it tang and sell it off cheap. Others I order specifically like the Fowleri. Are you in the Toronto area?

So far I'm planning to keep all my tangs, just separating them among the tanks. Well see how thing end up after everything is built.
Thanks for the link I remember that tank from when I built my first plywood tank. At the time you never seen one that had been up any length of time. I hade mine up and running for a year and a half before I moved and had to take it down. It is interesting to see one that has been up and running as long as yours has. I cant weight until one of the poor method tanks has been in service this long and gets broke down so we can see how well it held up.
Do you think if you were not planing on moving you would have considered a plywood build again? My new tank is going to be plywood unfortunately do to the way the stairs in to my basement are any tank I would want cant make it down the stairs so it has to be built on site.
I showed my wife your tanks and now she is trying to talk me in to 3 smaller tanks so that she can have a sea horse tank and maybe and eel tank.