6000 gallon system - Project.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7979298#post7979298 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by alien9168
hmmm...thats really interesting. I had no ide thats how these tanks were made....does thrat comprimise the structural integrity of the tank?


Not in the least.. Hence the 1" think acrylic or better tho :)

Seaming an acrylic panel, the seamed joint is actually "Stronger" then the rest of the sheet..

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7979544#post7979544 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reefez
man! Huge! It really needs to be a reef though.

you wouldn't be able to do it justice.. Can you image the LR bill alone.. Even @ wholesale pricing.. say, $1 a lb.. It would still be $8000 worth of rock.. That's just insane.. Then the lighting.. Then you'd have to stock it.. You'd go broke.

lol... like I'm not going broke now...
The Tuna tank at the Monterey aq is seamed panels like 8 inches thick--- making the viewing window something around 15 ft high and 50 ft long--- it's an amazing slab o' plexi... I recommend seeing it. A million gallons and not ONE Lawnmower Blenny... man...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7979595#post7979595 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by paljets
Not in the least.. Hence the 1" think acrylic or better tho :)

Seaming an acrylic panel, the seamed joint is actually "Stronger" then the rest of the sheet..


Thanks paul. :)

THis is a good thing to know...if i ever decide to build a LARGE tank :)

thanks! :)
The Tuna tank at the Monterey aq is seamed panels like 8 inches thick--- making the viewing window something around 15 ft high and 50 ft long--- it's an amazing slab o' plexi... I recommend seeing it. A million gallons and not ONE Lawnmower Blenny... man...

Plus that WHOLE tank is tiled in deep blue 1" tiles!!!!! That place simply drips money. I have a few buddies that work there. Incredible place.
You might have missed the general consensus being that it would be a bit too much to ask the price, as Jamesurq is not in a position to want to reveal that much. So we've mostly just oohed and awed and enjoyed the ride, with questions limited to science and construction.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8001776#post8001776 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rppvt
let's all go eat at that restaraunt when it opens and just stand arouund the tank...

maybe thats the idea.

by havuing a tank this size it willbring other people into the restauraunt...and im not talking about just us fish fanatiks :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8002811#post8002811 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by alien9168
maybe thats the idea.

by havuing a tank this size it willbring other people into the restauraunt...and im not talking about just us fish fanatiks :)

That tank BETTER bring in people by itself (and not just the fish fanatics), aside from the initial cost, the cost of maintaining it and paying electricity bills will be staggering!
<The 2500MG Ozone Generator and Controller:

i can swear that looks like my octopus controler
yep. Sure is.

They re-badge it and mount it to their Ozone generator.

Just like they rebadge the Baldor pumps with their name.