600gal (96x48x30)

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Mantis said:
Because they are noisey, put off way too much heat, and are generally a pain in the you know where.

I had a chiller on my tank for ten years before I finally figured out I could control my temp better with a computer aquarium controller and some fans.

I have a 400 gallon tank with 1850 watts of halides and my temp never goes above 79.

If the temp would ever reach 81 my lights would automaticly start to shut down, 2 at time.

These are a few reasons why I want to try the setup with out a chiller as I don't want to hear it nor deal with the heat... In a few months I am going to look into a Aquatronica Aquarium Controller so I can be paged and have access from the net to monitor my system...

sixxer said:
As far as rock work goes. I thought I saw you mentions 5 or 6 rock formations.

Are you planning on doing pillars, islands, walls, etc.?

I am planning on doing like 3 islands/pillars and like 4 walls... Going to try to make one of the 48" side look like a canyon...

I have a picture drawn out of what I am looking for; I will post a pic as soon as I can... Once I start working with the rocks I will see how it looks in the tank... Then I may change it completely...

Forgive me if I missed it on a prior page, but what kind of Fish Livestock do you have in mind?

The rockwork idea you have planned sounds good.
You stated Particle Board for the surface the tank will sit upon, and out of all the replies, no-one questioned this. So I will. You do realize that when it gets wet, and it will, it does swell and disintegrate. I have to imagine with a tank this size, it will only be installed once and never move again. ;) I'd almost like to see you spend the money on "marine" board, as it is designed for wet applications and will last a long time. I have plywood under my tank, and it was painted numerous times to seal it from water damage.

I never even considered particle board for a second.

The rest of your comments, ideas, and posts sound great. As you know, I have a window a/c unit in my fishroom to maintain the temperature at 78 all summer, and the tank never got over 82. No fans were used, but if if there was a need, I could add them.

Cooling the room is nicer than just the tank, so it isn't warm when you have to work in there for a while.

My only mistake was not buying a second window unit for when this one breaks. And all summer I kept saying I'd get one, and then suddenly it was too late and none are on the shelves. :( So if this one breaks, I'll get it fixed, but next spring I'm definitely buying a backup.
sixxer said:
Forgive me if I missed it on a prior page, but what kind of Fish Livestock do you have in mind?

The rockwork idea you have planned sounds good.

This is just off the top of my head, not saying I am going to go with all that is listed, but these were what came to mind...

For the 600gal...

Hippo Tang
Purple Tang
Yellow Tang
Sailfin Tang
Achilles Tang
Flame Angel
Coral Beauty
Royal Gramma
A school of Green Chromis (9 - 12)
A few other Damsels
A few diff Blennies and Gobies...
A pair of Clowns

In the 220gal FOWLR...
Some Wrasses
Some Triggers
Regal Angel
Imperator Angel
Koran Angel
Majestic Angel

The good thing about having a 220gal on the same system is that if I place something into the 600gal that does not work out, I can toss them over into the 220gal...

melev said:
You stated Particle Board for the surface the tank will sit upon, and out of all the replies, no-one questioned this. So I will. You do realize that when it gets wet, and it will, it does swell and disintegrate. I have to imagine with a tank this size, it will only be installed once and never move again. ;) I'd almost like to see you spend the money on "marine" board, as it is designed for wet applications and will last a long time. I have plywood under my tank, and it was painted numerous times to seal it from water damage.

I never even considered particle board for a second.

Well this tank is going to be setup for a long while (8 - 10yrs), but I foresee moving at least once more, When I do I will prob go with a little larger tank as the next house will be custom built and I will have a true fishroom with it's own AC and everything else as it should be... When this is done I will take everything that I have learned with this large setup and apply it to my next and make the improvements as needed...

As for the stand I am planning on painting it before I place the styrofoam on it... I am also hoping that with it just being the tank on the stand I will only be feeding and using a pump to vacuum the faux sandbed through a filter bag back into the tank as everything else will be done via the sump on the other side of the wall...

But with what you stated I will take that in account and try to make it so that no issues arise in the future...

Either Marine grade plywood or normal plywood (I would use at least 3/4") and coat it with Kilz or a similar paint.

Partical board is basically just compressed sawdust!!!! Being in the housing industry, I have seen that stuff fall apart way to many times to trust building anything that holds water on top of it!!!!
Is Particle Board MRP? I was thinking about using it too......

My other option is using a sheet of 3/4" acrylic. Expensive but the stand builder suggested it....
I wasn't suggesting you run your tank at 75 degrees, just using it as an example of how cool your tank will probably be able to run.

I third that you don't use particle board. I had a 75 AGA stand made out of particle board and the thing bowed and dipped big time after only a year. Fortunately, I moved and bought an oak stand for it. Otherwise, I would have had to tear the tank down to switch stands.
I mentioned this recently in another thread you may have read. I made a nightstand out of MDF and painted it with glossy paint twice. When I put a ice cold drink on the nightstand, it sweats. There are now swollen spots where the drink sat overnight, and yet the paint looks intact. It isn't like it soaked through a bare spot.

Is it too late to replace the top of your platform? It should only be one piece of plywood.
Hey Shawn,

Can you post pics of your stand. Im curious. I plan on building mine in the next few weeks and would like to compare notes since our tanks are the same size.


asnatlas said:
Mantis, what did you use for your stand ??


I used oak hardwood plywood with many coats of poly.


All it will take is a couple of drips off your hand that run down the side of the tank onto/into the particle board top.

If there is anyway, change the top of your stand to regular plywood.


not that this is a good thing. But tencor uses particle board for all thier stands. I have one holding up my 300 gallon tank for 8+ years. No warping.
Mantis, that is a beautiful tank and I like the stand. Do you have a thread about it so I can catch up on all the details?
melev said:
I mentioned this recently in another thread you may have read. I made a nightstand out of MDF and painted it with glossy paint twice. When I put a ice cold drink on the nightstand, it sweats. There are now swollen spots where the drink sat overnight, and yet the paint looks intact. It isn't like it soaked through a bare spot.

Is it too late to replace the top of your platform? It should only be one piece of plywood.

Wish I would have asked about the particle board before :( Now I know... Since the stand is already complete (glued and screwed and everything in-between), I may try to get some heavier mil plastic and cover the styrofoam and top portion of the stand with a few layers to stop water damageââ"šÂ¬Ã‚¦

pwhitby said:
Hey Shawn,

Can you post pics of your stand. Im curious. I plan on building mine in the next few weeks and would like to compare notes since our tanks are the same size.



I will be picking a webhosting company very soon (next few days)... Once I have that setup I will be posting alot of pics...

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