600gal (96x48x30)

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Hey Shawn-

You may have seen one of my other threads on here ot CORA outlining my rather unconventional lighting system. I'm the guy with 2x250W DE on lightmovers.

For reference, my tank is 400 gallons (82x45x28). By using the movers, I can get the lights closer to the water (more intensity) and still cover a large surface area. If I hadn't used the movers, I would have needed 8x250W to give me the coverage and intensity I wanted.

I'll assume you're already set on your main lighting, but, you may want to add one thing that I've just recently added, and LOVE...

I added a single 250W halide as high as I could (36" above the tank) so I could just flip on one light if I wanted to view the whole tank after sunset.

I used an XM 15K SE that I bought for comparison purposes on a spare IceCap ballast in a cheapo retro reflector.

It works really well, and the shimmer lines you get from 1 lamp up that high are really cool. Much larger than "normal" shimmer lines in most home aquaria.

Granted, there's very little to block the light with my small DE pendants on light movers... You also get ever changing light patterns because I leave the movers on 24/7 to get a similar effect from my LED moonlights.

I'll have to get an up to date pic this weekend... for now, here's a few old ones:

You can see there's lots of room. I have a blackout shade to the left and the rest is wide open.

This pic is really bad because I hadn't cleaned the bottom 1/2 of the glass in 6 months, but it does a decent job of illustrating the movement of the lights.

Here's one that shows the whole light rig (minus the new center light) Again, before I cleaned the glass..

I used to have a fully enclosed hood that I could raise and lower, but I got to liking the top-down view of my reef so much that I decided to go with the shade instead.

seandanekind said:
FYI: Your favorite view will quickly become looking down the long end of the tank:


Hi Res:

The pink cap on the back left is about 5 ft away.

Sean, thanks for the info, but I am not much on light movers :(

I would like to see new updated pics :) I want to see your tank with the 1 XM bulb on... I myself can't do this as I am a little limited on the space above my tank... The stand is 30" and then the tank is another 30" so I am at almost 61" when you add in the styrofoam...

As for the favorite view, When I was making the plans for the tank I pretty much already knew I would prob like the two 48" sides looking down the tank... That is why the tank is on a wall and not in it... That and because I foresee moving once more...

Brad- YES... The long view is the best. I wish I would have done the epoxy imbeded sand thing. My 4 Tunzes are in the deco mounts. One is kinda low, so if a fish dives into the sand near it, it's cloudy for hours...

Yeah Shawn, I just go a little overkill every time I explain my system. My real point was that the single lamp just for late night viewing is killer...
I love the faux sandbed, flow, flow, flow and no storm.

So your afraid to clean your tank because it's acrylic. :D Just Kidding.
Naaa- I had a well scratched glass tank before and I'm happy to be abe to sand & buff the acrylic scratches.

I'm thinking of moving to a monti cap dominated tank with deep-water SPS under the caps (in about a year). If I do that, I'll definately do the faux sandbed while the rock is removed for re-decorating.

Hey Brad-
What will you be around next week? I want to se your setup in person and try to get some good macro shots.

Big endevors. Here is an idea, After you build your stand, buy some black epoxy paint and paint the inside and undersurface to water proof it. This way, marine board or not you will never have to worry about leaks ruining your stand.

I wish I would have taken epoxy paint and painted the base boards of the framing for the wall that was built for my fish room. I have (as everyone else has!) left the RO on and let the bucket run over. I would have loved the peace of mind that the wood behind the green board would not warp/mold etc.
SERVO said:

Big endevors. Here is an idea, After you build your stand, buy some black epoxy paint and paint the inside and undersurface to water proof it. This way, marine board or not you will never have to worry about leaks ruining your stand.

I wish I would have taken epoxy paint and painted the base boards of the framing for the wall that was built for my fish room. I have (as everyone else has!) left the RO on and let the bucket run over. I would have loved the peace of mind that the wood behind the green board would not warp/mold etc.

SERVO, there you are ;) Thanks for posting... I was also thinking about that, I am just worried that the epoxy paint will tear/rip or something and water will still get under it...

asnatlas said:
SERVO, there you are ;) Thanks for posting... I was also thinking about that, I am just worried that the epoxy paint will tear/rip or something and water will still get under it...


I have looked on the net, but not locally... I found Epoxy Paints by Sweetwater at aquaticeco.com... Should I be able to find Epoxy Paint locally at HD or Lowes ?? I am sure it will not be fish safe, but it's would not be going into the tank so maybe cheaper ??

Check it out. Every store is different, but I'm SURE that they have to carry something. If not, check out a local paint store. S. Williams has sales from time to time and may be affordable as well. *I think*:eek:
tomasz said:
Shawn did you find out how Will is doing your tank (silicone to the top or sides of the bottom pane). Good luck. I'm doing the same think as you but 96*42*30T with external overflow.

tomasz, I was not ignoring you :) I sent Will an e-mail and got the following reply... He stated that the glass sits around the base...

Well I am signed up with a Webhosting Company now... I hope to have alot of pics posted with in the next week...

shawn. you can pick up 2 part apoxy paint at deluxe/ici paint stores here in columbus. its kinda pricey though. like $140 for the 2 gallon mix (one gallon paint one gallon hardner). it works extremely well and is more like a hard laminant rather then a paint. if you buy the food grade 2 part its reef safe. its mostly used to refinish counter tops. waterproof, super tough, and no leaching
I used 'Envirotex Lite'. You can get this off the shelf at most Sherwin Williams Paint stores, or of course they can order it. It comes in a two part one gallon size for $65. One gallon covered the bottom of my 240 cube (4'x4') at a depth of about 1/2 inch. Also depends on how much sand or crushed coral you add.
This product is saltwater safe according to the manufacturer. I used it and 6 months later I have no ill effects. There are a few threads on this stuff here on RC.
Be warned. The idea is great and for a few weeks it will look just like a sandy bottom, but after a while the coraline will start to grow over it just like on the rocks and your bottom will eventually look 'dirty' or 'dark' as a result. I eventually added a 3/4" layer of sand to cover up the coraline. Some people like the purple bottom, but my wife, and most others, didn't like the dark bottom.
Just a little FYI.
Good luck!
I don't mean to steal thread have a question because my tank is close in size to yours. 120Lx36Wx30H 600G as well.
If you look at the pdf attached is my idea for my tank. CL=closed loop and F=my return flow( 4 coming out of the center overflow box). I was going to run either 2 dolphin 2100's or 2-darts. The dolphins only because of electric.I know your going to go with the tunze's but havent seen a layout of how your going to set them up. My only porblem with the tunze is having to pull them out ever 6 months to clean them. Is this how you were going to go? I like the idea of putting racks and having the closed loop blowing up from below to keep that area clean.Tell me what you guys think.


sonofgaladriel said:
I used 'Envirotex Lite'. You can get this off the shelf at most Sherwin Williams Paint stores, or of course they can order it. It comes in a two part one gallon size for $65. One gallon covered the bottom of my 240 cube (4'x4') at a depth of about 1/2 inch. Also depends on how much sand or crushed coral you add.
This product is saltwater safe according to the manufacturer. I used it and 6 months later I have no ill effects. There are a few threads on this stuff here on RC.
Be warned. The idea is great and for a few weeks it will look just like a sandy bottom, but after a while the coraline will start to grow over it just like on the rocks and your bottom will eventually look 'dirty' or 'dark' as a result. I eventually added a 3/4" layer of sand to cover up the coraline. Some people like the purple bottom, but my wife, and most others, didn't like the dark bottom.
Just a little FYI.
Good luck!

Sono any pictures of the stuff in your tank?
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