

Premium Member
my 2x6100's were made in '03.I got that date off the sticker inside driver unit.there working fine and just upgrade impeller units on both.
Now what im wondering is how much is it going to cost to fix/repair when these go bad(knock on wood)with out forking out tons of cash on new ones.I understand alot of parts for these pumps are no longer around new but whats the next best thing to do.
Roger i finally figured out the wavebox(6212# issue or i should say Steve helped me figure it out.It wasn't the wave box it was bad 6100 placement and not having the controller set right .If you don't have Steve#jar*head)on the pay-roll,you should.He's alot of help to the local guys that are running Tunze.
The only part you can't get now is the motor, 6100.015. Typically if they lasted this long, if you take care of them, they will last at least a few more years.
Other than cleaning my 6100's the only thing I've done is to replace the older model impeller with the newer design.

I even swap back the old ones occasionally - take one out of the pump, swap the impellers, and clean the used newer-model impeller at my leisure.

and just by chance if the motor goes out,then what/how much?
thanks roger.
How much are those little rubber feet that go on the magnets?I have 2 sets of mags id like to put new feet on them.
And thanks again.
They are about $3 for 9 feet. Part 6200.509. They are 3M Bumpons and Woodcraft stocks them as do other specialty hardware stores. At Woodcraft they are about $12 for a pack of 72. At present the policy is the replacement costs the same as the motor of the 6100 would have been. You send in your old pump to qualify, the replacement 6105 is complete except for a magnet holder, it instead has an adapter clamp for the older rail or magnet holder and the warranty is not extended or renewed. Alternatively we offer a complete 6105 with magnet holder and 2 year full warranty for a discounted price.