7 months of growth pics

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6987106#post6987106 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SunnyX

Rocks are sitting on cutting board, all the sand you see is only 30lbs, so its quite easy to replace.

Very nice reef!!

What are the benefits of putting the rock on cutting board? I would guess to protect the bottom.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7012596#post7012596 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by aeroreefs
It's unbelievable growth! Great!
What kind of food do you feed for corals? And how long do you run lights?:thumbsup:

No special foods are given to corals.
Corals are fed fish poop. :D

VHO's are on for 13hrs.
Mh are on for 9hrs.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7010971#post7010971 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Leopardshark
Looking great, but honestly, I preefer the older bulbs, IMHO it looks too yellow now.

The bulbs were still burning in at the time, it looks much whiter now.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7012836#post7012836 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jacob30
Very nice reef!!

What are the benefits of putting the rock on cutting board? I would guess to protect the bottom.


The cutting board is there so the rocks do not sit in the sand and shed or collect waste. It also help move water around under the rocks.
What happened to the zoos at the bottom of the tank (which would now be shaded by the monster cap). Also looks like your GSP is smaller, I assume you yanked most of it out?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7013391#post7013391 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sfsuphysics
What happened to the zoos at the bottom of the tank (which would now be shaded by the monster cap). Also looks like your GSP is smaller, I assume you yanked most of it out?

GSP was mostly closed up at the time, its actually bigger now.

The zoo's are now in the center of the tank attached to the rock work.
You mean you never feed for corals any kinds of food such as phytoplankton and cyclopeez. And I have more questions. How often and much do you do water change? Which skimmer do you run?
Your comment would be very helpful to me. TIA.:rollface: :rollface:
Great looking tank.......

Any reason for going with the CaribSea Seaflor Special Grade instead of something like the CaribSea Aragamax Oolitic Select Reef Sand which has smaller grains?

How often are you replacing part of your sand ?

Any pictures of how you mounted your rock over the substrate ? I read that the rocks are not seating in the substrate.

I'm asking because I'm receiving a new tank in almost two more months and I'm trying to figure out if I go BB or do a SSB.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7017500#post7017500 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by aeroreefs
You mean you never feed for corals any kinds of food such as phytoplankton and cyclopeez. And I have more questions. How often and much do you do water change? Which skimmer do you run?
Your comment would be very helpful to me. TIA.:rollface: :rollface:

Corals are only fed what the fish eat.

Water changes are done every two weeks, 40gl with Reef Crystals.

Tried doing water changes once a week for a month but corals seemed to get lighter. Now I watch my ORP to determine when to to the water changes.

I run a Deltec AP851 Skimmer.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7017812#post7017812 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Fatboy
Great looking tank.......

Any reason for going with the CaribSea Seaflor Special Grade instead of something like the CaribSea Aragamax Oolitic Select Reef Sand which has smaller grains?

How often are you replacing part of your sand ?

Any pictures of how you mounted your rock over the substrate ? I read that the rocks are not seating in the substrate.

I'm asking because I'm receiving a new tank in almost two more months and I'm trying to figure out if I go BB or do a SSB.


I decided to go with a bigger grain of sand to keep it from blowing around. So far the sand has not moved around much.

Sand will be replaced every 4 months.

I may have some pics of the rockwork on cutting board, let me see if I can dig them up.
Thanks SunnyX for the answer......

I think I will be using this type of sand just because of the looks. I would really like to set up a starboard tank, but I still don't figue out how to keep the starboard white and free of coraline algae.

Any special care with the sand ?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7108392#post7108392 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Fatboy
Thanks SunnyX for the answer......

I think I will be using this type of sand just because of the looks. I would really like to set up a starboard tank, but I still don't figue out how to keep the starboard white and free of coraline algae.

Any special care with the sand ?

I really do nothing special, I try to have as much flow as possible going over the sandbed.

I too had starboard before and it quickly was covered by coralline.
Made the tank appear much dimmer compared to the sand which was a nice contrast.
wow...amazing job. I'm surprised you arent using big 400watters like I see many people with a tank your size do. AND YOU STILL GET AMAZING GROWTH AND COLOR.

What is your secrect.....other then the lumenarc I guess it must be the 10k XM?? You have what just under 4watts of light per gallon. Thats effeciency.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7110147#post7110147 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dvanacker
wow...amazing job. I'm surprised you arent using big 400watters like I see many people with a tank your size do. AND YOU STILL GET AMAZING GROWTH AND COLOR.

What is your secrect.....other then the lumenarc I guess it must be the 10k XM?? You have what just under 4watts of light per gallon. Thats effeciency.

Just goes to show that you don't need 400 watters to grow corals :)