700 gallon tank, or how i spent my daughters inheritance

nothing really eats bryopsis , fish wise my vlamingi eats it if i break it up fine but other than that i havent found a fish that will eat it, but in my thread i was lucky to have a bloom in a slug
that really thinned it out as the bryopsis got less so did the slugs though you can see pics of them here , fish wont eat them they spit them out even when they try them Elysia obtusa http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1726744&page=8
those look very cool. i have not seen them before. one of the first additions to the tank was a big sea slug which died when it got stuck on the CL return.

i wonder where i could find some of them here.

what else did you do for the byopsis outbreak?

i see you have a crosshatch. how long? any problems?


reefski, yeah i have had the crosshatch pair for a year with no problems at all , they are wonderful fish

i also manually pulled out the bryopsis it clumps up and one can actually pull out alot of it , but it is very hard to get rid of totally and time and patience is what is needed and if you can get lettuce sea slugs or something similar to mine it will help, my ones came in on live rock and nothing eats them as far as my fish are concerned i think they must taste like what they eat :bryopsis
tomorrow is bryopsis pruning day. i'll be pulling out the clumps.

do your triggers spent time in the rockwork or just swimming all day? mine would always take a break every few minutes and peer out of their cave.
the first trigger i had for almost two years before he self destructed. the more recent one only about 4 months i think.

disturbing video of the last day on earth.

so depressing for my favorite fish. i won't get another one.
Carl- my triggers are out in the water column swimming up and down all day when the lights are on , before dusk they slow down and head to the rock work where they sleep close to each other.

That is certainly a disturbing video, i am very sorry about that, the way he is whirling i would suspect some sort of disease internally(might have affected the swim bladder) perhaps a bacterial infection.I have found them to be one of the more sensitive trigger species,and his abdomen appears slightly bloated.
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Carl- my triggers are out in the water column swimming up and down all day when the lights are on , before dusk they slow down and head to the rock work where they sleep close to each other.

That is certainly a disturbing video, i am very sorry about that, the way he is whirling i would suspect some sort of disease internally(might have affected the swim bladder) perhaps a bacterial infection.I have found them to be one of the more sensitive trigger species,and his abdomen appears slightly bloated.

could you expound on what you mean by more sensitive species? how so?

i too thought swim bladder with him upside down.

i have a beautiful pink tail in the sump that is about twice the mass of the remaining female crosshatch. i think i may put it in the display tank. would that be ok? i have had it about three years i think.

also i have large scribbled rabbit fish that is bigger than any of the tangs in the display. would it be ok to put him in the DT?

Hi Carl Well over the years i have kept about 6 different species of triggers from picasso,undulate, clown,niger,fuscus and now crosshatch the former 5 are hardy fish that all ate on day one but when i got my crosshatches they didnt eat right away and were more sensitive and shy they need more care(water quality and food) than the other species , the xanthicthys family just appears to be more delicate and for some reason the males even more than the females.IT could be that these triggers are found in deeper waters than our aquarium allow for that might be slightly cooler and hold more oxygen? just a theory?

i would put the pink tail in acclimitization box(large perspex box with holes drilled in it for water movement) and assess if any aggression is shown if none then i would introduce it and the same for the rabbitfish, if aggression is shown wait a couple of days let the fish get used to each other and see if it decreases. This way you can determine which fish are showing aggression without any physical harm coming to the fish
that is a good idea. i just have to get the right container to do that.

i may be breaking the tank down to replace all the sand with aragonite and get rid of the hydroid rocks too. or i may be moving. still deciding what to do with my life. (midlife crisis)
i'll check into having one made.

here is a video of the Hippo tang a few months ago. note the scarring on the face.
this video was taken about when i took the sand and concrete from the sumps.

this was last week. it is healing. hmmm.... the other change i made is i added 4 oz of Selco to the last 10 pounds of food i made.

this photo was taken at the Long Beach Aquarium. none of the other fish in this tank or my tank have any problems like this. my other tang in my system doesn't either.
Ahh being the owner of a reef aquarium and mid life crisis are bad combinations ;) i hope all gets resolved soon, because maintenance and stability are always the key to succesful aquariums!

The box can even be made out of eggcrate sides tied together with cable ties, this way one can make it as big or small as you like?

I do think that tang had a nutritional deficiency which the omega 3 in selcon is helping with , if you can get fresh ulva from rockpools and feed it to the tangs it is also great for them , fish like humans are all individuals and some have different needs from others that is why it is only showing on some fish, the fish could have internal parasites/genetic problems robbing it of vitamins even though it eats the same food as the other fish which show no symptoms
i am looking for an automatic feeder to feed golden pearls or the like when i am on vacations.

what do you like, why?

Carl did you ever feed some of the algae from the scrubber to the fish? , i have a scrubber which grows enteromorpha and the fish love it, i think it would hold quite abit of valuable vitamins
i needed some coral inspiration so the other day i went to the Long Beach Aquarium.

i love the file fish but since i don't have any corals in my tank i won't get one. the polyps were not out but that did not stop it from grazing on the corals.


the next two are videos

the convict tangs seem to be great grazers, maybe i need a school of those.

this next video is what i would call a wavemaker.