700g+ T5 & Sunlit Reef System


Premium Member
Hi guys, Thought I would post up my tank for those of you to give constructive feedback and comments.

System Objectives: To ensure all inhabitants live a healthy happy life

System Type: Mixed Reef - Primarily SPS

Display System:

Strike up Date: July 2009

Display Tank: 7'L x 5'W x 26"H. Cross braced and euro braced.
13.5mm base, 12mm sides

Display Lighting: x3 250mm Solatubes & x2 10x80w T5 ATI Powemodules (dimmable versions)

Stand: 50x50 Galv Steel, 2 piece stand. 1525mm x 2135mm x 1150mm + side compartment for all the tecchy stuff

Hood: No hood, open top

Sump: 5' x 3' x 2' Race track Sump

Refugium: Compartmentalised in sump

Refugium Lighting: N/A at this stage

Support systems:

System Water: Natural salt water

Display Water circulation: 6 Vortech MP40's

Return Pump: Sequence 12000

Skimmer: Acrylic Oceans / Turbo Monster 1600mm Tall Dual Recirculating Beckett Skimmer

Evaporation Top Up:Tunze Osmolator

Chemical Support:

Calcium Addition: Turbo Dual Stage Calcium Reactor

Alkilinity Addition: Turbo Dual Stage Calcium Reactor

Other Chemical Maintenance: Ozone 300mg unit

Current Water Chemistry:
Nitrates: Nil
Phosphates: 0.1
Alkalinity: 7dkh
Calcium: 420ppm
Salinity / Specific Gravity: 1.025
Magnesuim: N/A

I will start backtracking photos and other info and post up when I can.

Thanks for sharing.
Wow, that sounds like a heck of a system!


J/K.. Post some pics!! I want to see the race track too!
Okay so here is the stand that was getting made. It is from 50x50 galv steel.




The side compartment is a pseudo room so to speak.
Transferring stand over into the house (which was getting built at the time) and also visited the tank maker during the build.




Nearly done, weir and cross bracing to go.

I like the height of the stand, but not the height of the ceiling. Do you think it is going to be hard to "get into" for maintenance/coral placement?
Now were talking! The look on your moms face is pricelss! I assume thats your dad next to her?? He has that "thats my boy" look on his face! That is shaping up to be an incredible build! Its always great to see the no corners cut, do it right the first time approach. Clearly you have put a lot of thought into this.

Is the tank already up and running or is this where you are at now? I cant wait to see more!
Wow - that is some kinda big stand and tank!
I'm struck by how high the stand is. I bet the team was "HEAVE HO" to lift that thing up onto that stand!! :eek2:
I like the height of the stand, but not the height of the ceiling. Do you think it is going to be hard to "get into" for maintenance/coral placement?

Everything works well, will try and get the rest of the pics and info up tomorrow!

Now were talking! The look on your moms face is pricelss! I assume thats your dad next to her?? He has that "thats my boy" look on his face! That is shaping up to be an incredible build! Its always great to see the no corners cut, do it right the first time approach. Clearly you have put a lot of thought into this.

Is the tank already up and running or is this where you are at now? I cant wait to see more!

Tank is up and running and has been for 6-7 months. It isn't my father in the pic, just another reefer, thus the look on his face haha.

Wow - that is some kinda big stand and tank!
I'm struck by how high the stand is. I bet the team was "HEAVE HO" to lift that thing up onto that stand!! :eek2:

Yeah the reason I went with this height was so that when people look at it they don't have to bend over. It was fun getting it on the stand!