Premium Member
Hi guys, Thought I would post up my tank for those of you to give constructive feedback and comments.
System Objectives: To ensure all inhabitants live a healthy happy life
System Type: Mixed Reef - Primarily SPS
Display System:
Strike up Date: July 2009
Display Tank: 7'L x 5'W x 26"H. Cross braced and euro braced.
13.5mm base, 12mm sides
Display Lighting: x3 250mm Solatubes & x2 10x80w T5 ATI Powemodules (dimmable versions)
Stand: 50x50 Galv Steel, 2 piece stand. 1525mm x 2135mm x 1150mm + side compartment for all the tecchy stuff
Hood: No hood, open top
Sump: 5' x 3' x 2' Race track Sump
Refugium: Compartmentalised in sump
Refugium Lighting: N/A at this stage
Support systems:
System Water: Natural salt water
Display Water circulation: 6 Vortech MP40's
Return Pump: Sequence 12000
Skimmer: Acrylic Oceans / Turbo Monster 1600mm Tall Dual Recirculating Beckett Skimmer
Evaporation Top Up:Tunze Osmolator
Chemical Support:
Calcium Addition: Turbo Dual Stage Calcium Reactor
Alkilinity Addition: Turbo Dual Stage Calcium Reactor
Other Chemical Maintenance: Ozone 300mg unit
Current Water Chemistry:
Nitrates: Nil
Phosphates: 0.1
Alkalinity: 7dkh
Calcium: 420ppm
Salinity / Specific Gravity: 1.025
Magnesuim: N/A
I will start backtracking photos and other info and post up when I can.
Thanks for sharing.
Hi guys, Thought I would post up my tank for those of you to give constructive feedback and comments.
System Objectives: To ensure all inhabitants live a healthy happy life
System Type: Mixed Reef - Primarily SPS
Display System:
Strike up Date: July 2009
Display Tank: 7'L x 5'W x 26"H. Cross braced and euro braced.
13.5mm base, 12mm sides
Display Lighting: x3 250mm Solatubes & x2 10x80w T5 ATI Powemodules (dimmable versions)
Stand: 50x50 Galv Steel, 2 piece stand. 1525mm x 2135mm x 1150mm + side compartment for all the tecchy stuff
Hood: No hood, open top
Sump: 5' x 3' x 2' Race track Sump
Refugium: Compartmentalised in sump
Refugium Lighting: N/A at this stage
Support systems:
System Water: Natural salt water
Display Water circulation: 6 Vortech MP40's
Return Pump: Sequence 12000
Skimmer: Acrylic Oceans / Turbo Monster 1600mm Tall Dual Recirculating Beckett Skimmer
Evaporation Top Up:Tunze Osmolator
Chemical Support:
Calcium Addition: Turbo Dual Stage Calcium Reactor
Alkilinity Addition: Turbo Dual Stage Calcium Reactor
Other Chemical Maintenance: Ozone 300mg unit
Current Water Chemistry:
Nitrates: Nil
Phosphates: 0.1
Alkalinity: 7dkh
Calcium: 420ppm
Salinity / Specific Gravity: 1.025
Magnesuim: N/A
I will start backtracking photos and other info and post up when I can.
Thanks for sharing.