700g+ T5 & Sunlit Reef System

Hello all. Sorry I have been a bit slack of late.

I decided to take a video of my tank, enjoy.

<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/WiqJZldMLOk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I also had an interview for MASNA Live for July 2011 with Kevin, check it out here!


Any feedback is appreciated on the tank, as always.
What a amazing tank, I really like your combination of big tangs and the all of the anthias.

I just have some questions to you tec set-up i hope they have not been asked before. What do you do to keep your nitrate down, because I’m guessing a lot of food goes in ;=)?

Now to the fish:
I really admire how calm your bring tangs interact with each other, it does not seem like they fight a lot? How did you succeed in that? Any advice on hove to introduce new "big" fish?

I will definitely subscribe to your tread, Thank you for sharing all those photos and videos.
PS. You really take some nice pictures
Amazing tank, one of my favorites.

Thankyou. I really struggle to keep up to the standards of some of these international tanks but I am happy with how things are progressing!

What a amazing tank, I really like your combination of big tangs and the all of the anthias.

I just have some questions to you tec set-up i hope they have not been asked before. What do you do to keep your nitrate down, because I'm guessing a lot of food goes in ;=)?

Now to the fish:
I really admire how calm your bring tangs interact with each other, it does not seem like they fight a lot? How did you succeed in that? Any advice on hove to introduce new "big" fish?

I will definitely subscribe to your tread, Thank you for sharing all those photos and videos.
PS. You really take some nice pictures

Nitrate issues - I do monthly water changes of 125-250 gallons dependant on how much water I have on hand. I also dose Zeostart 3.

None of my tangs fight, I have never seen any scalpel cuts on any of them. The key IMO is allowing the fish enough room so if there is any aggression they can separate.

Always try and introduce the larger fish last and if you decide on another large fish make sure they are compatible.

Thanks for liking the photos, I took some more today which I hope are as good as previous!

Pity I didn't clean the glass though. I will probably put together an equipment video this week as well as I have been asked for one.










Wow! I can't believe I missed this. You have an awesome system StripestheEel. Excellent collection of fish as well.
Looking great. Your tank has helped inspire me. My 750gal should be here in a week or two.

Just beautiful!

amazing tank and beautiful setup
your Achilles tang is :crazy1:

I have some questions to you
In my new system I intend to use solatube 21"
my tank will be 55"W(140 centimeter)
what kind of cover do you get only from your solatube?
(the old video of your tank with only the solatube is not available anymore)

the ATI are for actinic light only or to increase the light on the edge ?
Those tangs look amazing, especially the Achilles. That Sohal is going to be a monster. I didn't notice the Clown tang or Emp angel in your last video - did you get rid of them?
amazing tank and beautiful setup
your Achilles tang is :crazy1:

I have some questions to you
In my new system I intend to use solatube 21"
my tank will be 55"W(140 centimeter)
what kind of cover do you get only from your solatube?
(the old video of your tank with only the solatube is not available anymore)

the ATI are for actinic light only or to increase the light on the edge ?

I get a rather good spread with just the tubes of around 3.5 feet before it starts to drop out.

The ATI is more of a colour adjustment than anything but does help on those cloudy days.

I will try and get another video of just the solatubes.

Love the fish!

Thanks! They are my pride and joy!

Those tangs look amazing, especially the Achilles. That Sohal is going to be a monster. I didn't notice the Clown tang or Emp angel in your last video - did you get rid of them?

The Achilles is the holy grail but the Sohal is definitely the crowd favourite when people come over. He is currently around 12 inches long.

The Clown Tang was given to a friend of mine as was the Emperor. I replaced the Emperor with a juvenile Queen Angel.

Speaking of the Queen here she / it / he is, along with a current tank shot.

Here is a picture of the tank as we speak, along with a picture of the Queen who is slowly losing her baby colours.



Always one of my fave tanks. Glad to see everything is still going so well for you. :thumbsup:
