700g+ T5 & Sunlit Reef System

So working my way through it all.

Mounted powerbars to some ply and then secured them to the cladding underneath the work bench. Still need to cable tie some of the longer cords to tidy up but overall happy with the outcome.


Closed in the electrics, really happy with how much space is available now.


Skimmer is going great, this is it's third collection now. Emptied it yesterday for the 2nd time.


A change is coming...... Time to pull the finger out and start the SPS frenzy!

On an LPS note I got some acans to see if Emperor takes a liking to them. Guess what....?


They are still kicking :roflmao: I love my Emperor

I like videos, here's the gang at afternoon dessert. This time on a clip. Watch the trigger wait for his time to shine. I love him to bits.

Updates, you pesky eel!

(yes, I know, I was there like 3 days ago looking at it... but still, updates! :lmao:)
How many fish do you have in there?
I love the orange tail emperor it's my favorite fish but I can't keep it alive for many reason.
nice photos!
thank you

you have a very nice fish collection and they look haelthy too

Thanks, that is something I pride myself on. Fat fish!

Great Fish, Great pictures!

Can't thank me for the photos, my friend took them. :lol2:

Piece of Art, the whole thread, keep up the great work!

Thankyou, I'm slowly getting there

Updates, you pesky eel!

(yes, I know, I was there like 3 days ago looking at it... but still, updates! :lmao:)

Haha, um, I cleaned my skimmer cup.

Your fish look great! What kind of QT procedure do you use?


Two methods. One is the general 6 week QT period to allow for any disease or infection to show up.

As far as anthias are concerned I believe that they do much better when put straight into a display as it encourages the finicky specimens to see the others eating which in turn stimulates feeding. That's my theory and hasn't been proven but it has worked for me.

Wow Matt, new skimmer, more fish pics, corals growing. Busy Bee.:thumbsup:

The bee is very tired though mate haha!

How many fish do you have in there?
I love the orange tail emperor it's my favorite fish but I can't keep it alive for many reason.

Anthias - 25-30
Tangs - 5
Trigger - 1
Angel - 1
Wrasse - 4
Hawkfish - 1
Clownfish - 2

Awesome :thumbsup:

Thanks buddy, appreciate your comments.
Wings must be tired from flying those heavy buckets of salt to and from the tank.

Matt's too lazy to do anything involving buckets and tanks... the good lord invented pumps and the ocean for a reason! :lmao:

Haha, um, I cleaned my skimmer cup.

That's the joys of a new skimmer... they make you work for their keep. I've already nearly filled the cup on MY tank in the last 24 hours! :fun5: