7096 Availability?

Roger, I wanted to pop in here and say that my laptop now recognizes the controller. I had an IT friend come over and take a look yesterday. After about an hour, he tried renaming the com ports and the controller was finally recognized. At least, that's what I think he did. If you would like more technical detail, I can ask him to pop in here and explain in detail what he did.

Now that I've had a chance to play with the controller, I'm just thrilled. The options are endless, it seems. :D
Good to hear, yes, this is an issue sometimes, you do sometimes have to manually configure the com ports, it is rare though.
Chercm, with your current 7096 configuration downloaded from the controller to the programming tool, select the storm mode in the options section of the programming tool. set the interval for how often you want it to run and then send the new configuration to the controller.
I know how to activate the storm mode but how do you know when it will accually turn on.. like if it is set to come on for 1 hour per day... what time is it going to come during the day for that 1 hour?
You don't set the time it is on for you set how frequently it comes on. If you set one hour it comes on every hour and 1 hr after you set it. The storm cycle runs the following program at a fixed duration.

This function can be activated in the „Options“ field.
The frequency of the „Storm cycle“ can be set from one hour to seven days.
The „Storm cycle“ is based on a fixed and precise pump cycle which controls all four pump outputs for five
minutes according to the following programme:
Pump 1 -> 20 seconds
Pump 2 -> 20 seconds
Pump 3 -> 20 seconds
Pump 4 -> 20 seconds
Pumps 1 +2 -> 20 seconds
Pumps 3 + 4 -> 20 seconds
Pumps 1 + 3 -> 20 seconds
Pumps 2 + 4 -> 20 seconds
Pumps 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 -> 20 seconds
Pumps 1 + 2 -> 30 seconds
Pumps 3 + 4 -> 30 seconds
Pump 1 -> 10 seconds
Pump 2 -> 10 seconds
Pump 3 -> 10 seconds
Pump 4 -> 10 seconds
Pumps 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 -> 20 seconds
Position the pumps in the aquarium is such a way that the „Storm cycle“ cannot cause any water damage !
For future updates of the software, it would be handy to be able to manually trigger the storm mode so that one can observe whether there's likely to be any problems without having to wait the hour for it to happen.

Another improvement I'd really like to see (I think someone else mentioned this) would be for the inverse option to be taken into account during night mode.

And one last suggestion - this would be a little more complicated, but not horribly so - how about a mode that allows you to cycle through the other modes? For example, you could have it alternate between wavemaker mode and one of the other modes for pumps 3 and 4. I have a hard time choosing whether my 6105s are best utilized for waves or current - if I could switch them from one mode to the other every 15 minutes I wouldn't have to choose!

These aren't complaints - I love my 7096 - just suggestions for refinements.

Jeff (vol_reefer)
Since it is software based, these sorts of changes are possible and we will discuss them, we are open to feedback, but we do want to keep the interface to one simple screen.
I figured these kinds of changes were possible. Glad you're open to ideas.

One way to keep the interface clean would be to have "Simple" and "Advanced" GUI windows so that the new user isn't bombarded with choices but the more experienced user has the option for a little more customization. Or, if Tunze is really brave, you could make the interface open source so folks could program the 7096 to do anything they can imagine.

Jeff (vol_reefer)
Can someone please elaborate on the issues with Vista? I cannot get my contoller to recognize. It keeps saying no unit found. How do you remedy this?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15285656#post15285656 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Pacific Reefs
Does the Storm Mode include the wavebox if it is hooked up?

i would think so...
Yes, storm mode would include the wavebox.

Regarding Vista, we are still looking into this but a customer wrote me and gave me a solution he found as well as a technical explanation for what might be happening.

According to him, the issue is usually solved by simply opening a second instance of the program and his guess as to why this was happening was the port was timing out because the signal takes longer to reach the controller and come back than Vista will allow in its USB protocols. The second instance reaches it faster because it is basically a second attempt to communicate and some connection has already been made. He also felt a shorter cable may solve the problem for some. The provided cable is the maximum length that can be used on USB without a signal repeater and this was provided so the controller could be near the tank with the computer further away in the case of desktops.

There are however other reasons it may not work, certain anti virus programs, other peripherals and especially laptops tend to have other issues due to low power or the antivirus software blocking the connection or slowing the system further.
Do you mean of the software? The controller will not change but we do plan to continue working on the software. The program is currently being modified to have a longer USB delay, in fact it may already be available for download, if not, it will be very soon.