7096 Availability?

Need help, Transformer part # Is 7310-322A But I cannot find any listing Of this part # Can you please tell me what this transformer Is supposed to run? It came with a 6100 pump but does not match what my other pumps have.
Thanks Bill
PS Roger you don't have any Used 6100 Transformers for sale do you? The correct ones!
7310.302_A is an older transformer, we stopped using these around 2002, the only pump they were ever used on was 7310/2, on a 6100 you would basically have a pump with flow half way between a 6000 and 6100. It won't hurt the pump. I don't have any used 7410.602.
OK Thanks, Not as bad as I thought It would be anyway! Guess these pumps have been around a long while, Which speaks well Of Tunze Quality.
Re: have technical qes ?

Re: have technical qes ?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14917685#post14917685 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by markm3@link.net
hi RVITKO , this is mark , i live in egypt,
well i found your new 7096 is unbeatable so, i am willing to buy for my 180 gal mixed reef
the 7096 + 2 of 6205 new pumps from MDepot,
my question is ,do they work in 220 volt , is it working from 110 to 240 , or only 110 volt i mean the one in usa like in Mdepot, or should i have to get it from europe !!
i think it will be written in the power supply of the pumps ..
Well as I coudnt find any video at the net to show how is the diffrent at the flow , for the 6105 and 6205
So please help me to chose how many pumps I need with the 7096 for a 200 gal
Mixxed reef and I need a plenty of flow , my tank measures. 180cmx55cm deep and 65cm tall
So please help me and I don't have any other flow in the tank ecxept the returne from the sump.....
Just purchased the 7096 and I am going to buy a wavebox. Just to clarify I can purchase the 6212.50 wavebox extension correct? In other words I dont need the 6091 wavebox controller I can tune the wave with the 7096?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15069272#post15069272 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Pacific Reefs
Just purchased the 7096 and I am going to buy a wavebox. Just to clarify I can purchase the 6212.50 wavebox extension correct? In other words I dont need the 6091 wavebox controller I can tune the wave with the 7096?

U do not need the 7091 and i connected it to channel 3 of the 7096 and on the program just tick the wave controller and the channel 3 and 4 will be having the wave box pulsing effect.
I am having trouble getting my laptop to recognize the 7096. Same problem as mentioned earlier in the thread but I don't have a powered HUB to try that. Any other suggestions?
Oh and I'm running Vista on a new laptop purchased in January. Its so frustrating knowing I have the program installed but no unit found. Is the length of the USB cable too long?
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I would try a shorter cable if you have one or connect the controller to a desktop. Is your controller powered up through the pumps when you are trying to communicate or are you letting the usb power the controller? That may make a difference also.
I did try the shorter cable but I can't tell if the shorter cable is USB 2.0 or not. I had to dig around to find one. I also downloaded the software update on the Tunze website and tried to install it that way. I did also try to power the controller with both pumps plugged in and running and with the usb powering it as well, then tried just the usb, to no avail. Even when it's just the USB, the controller shows lights and the moonlight lights up. The problems is not that the contoller is not getting enough power, IMO, but that the program doesn't recognize the USB connected to the controller. I even tried running the program on compatibility mode to XP. Nada.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15077263#post15077263 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by anomie
I did try the shorter cable but I can't tell if the shorter cable is USB 2.0 or not. I had to dig around to find one. I also downloaded the software update on the Tunze website and tried to install it that way. I did also try to power the controller with both pumps plugged in and running and with the usb powering it as well, then tried just the usb, to no avail. Even when it's just the USB, the controller shows lights and the moonlight lights up. The problems is not that the contoller is not getting enough power, IMO, but that the program doesn't recognize the USB connected to the controller. I even tried running the program on compatibility mode to XP. Nada.

Make sure you disable your bluetooth and wireless connections.
It should work in Vista, this seems to be an issue with some laptops, and we assume it is because the USB port is not putting out enough current to run the device, that is why a powered hub or shorter cable may solve the problem. There are also some issue with conflicts with antivirus and pop up blocking software.
I was able to install it on a 6 year old desktop running XP. I'm glad that I can at least program the controller now but I have to tell you that it will be a pain to run it back and forth upstairs and down with the moonlight installed, etc. to make any changes to the controller.

I went to Best Buy and they don't stock shorter USB cables with the ends that I needed because they said its usually a propriotry cable made for specific devices. Why didn't Tunze make it a shorter cable to begin with? Also, I doubt that lack of current is the problem with the laptop, in my case. With both the desktop and laptop plugged into outlets and the controller plugged into the USB socket, I can not tell a difference in the light emitted by the controller or the moonlight. I am more than happy to let the programmer who designed this program, remote access to my laptop to try to figure out what the conflict is.

When this controller becomes more widely available, I think Tunze is going to see more and more people, like me, having similar issues. I also feel that I shouldn't have to go buy equipement such as shorter cables and powered hubs to get this to work with my less than 6 months old laptop. OR if I do, then a disclaimer and system parameters should be mentioned on the outside of the box and online.
We thought most users would want as long a USB cable as possible, especially for desktop users. This situation seems to be limited to laptops and only certain models. We are not a huge company, we have one guy who programmed it and we ran every test we could with the computers here at our office, (iMac's running Vista) and all the computers at the factory, various PC's and Laptops from Dell, HP and Fujitsu running Vista, XP and 7 Beta and it worked on all of those, the few complaints we have had have been related to antivirus or pop blocker programs causing a conflict or a laptop USB not detecting the device and we suspect that this is due to the USB not being capable of the mA output required or that some other program is creating a port conflict. It is just a stock USB cable, the moonlight draws very little power and is normally powered by the pumps, not the USB port.