7096 Availability?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14888627#post14888627 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rvitko
We did get 30 more this week and shipped them all out, Premium got enough that if you are 5th you should get yours.
I've got one ordered from PA as well, I'm waiting on 2 x 6105s from them as well. Hopefully, they'll have mine in with their next shipment too. Really looking forward to it, especially now that I'm seeing others getting to play with theirs.
have technical qes ?

have technical qes ?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14904724#post14904724 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rvitko
Very helpful, thank you!

hi RVITKO , this is mark , i live in egypt,
well i found your new 7096 is unbeatable so, i am willing to buy for my 180 gal mixed reef
the 7096 + 2 of 6205 new pumps from MDepot,
my question is ,do they work in 220 volt , is it working from 110 to 240 , or only 110 volt i mean the one in usa like in Mdepot, or should i have to get it from europe !!
i think it will be written in the power supply of the pumps ..
The power supply is automatically converting for any voltage between 100-240V. The plug is the only difference. However, I would order them from Europe as if a warranty problem comes, it will be closer and easier to get service.

I thought you might get a kick out of this email I got this morning from Axel Tunze-

Now we have supplied all outstanding of 7096. We have now some units in stock. On You Tube I have seen a nice video Part I - III. One American customer showed the unit in all details.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14888627#post14888627 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rvitko
We did get 30 more this week and shipped them all out, Premium got enough that if you are 5th you should get yours.

mine arrived today from PA...now to go watch the youtube videos...:D
i jus got mine yesterday! My question is whats the best all around flow for coral growth? Quick alternating pulses for wave or 30 sec intervals or other settings?
Waves. Wave current is natural for fish and coral.

My office staff sees Nemo bouncing around the tank and they feel bad for him, questioning if the waves are too strong. I ask them, have you ever been in the ocean? Fish (and coral) bounce with the waves. It is more natural than steady stream current.
Well Roger, I guess I really wasnt as high on the list at PA as I was previously led to believe. Did you happen to ship them more controllers this week?