9 months, updated pics on 425


Premium Member
It's been nine months since the tank has been set up. I thought I would post some updated pics.

Outstanding!! I love it!

Where is the sump? The tank stand looks open underneath.

Is this a greenhouse or a conservatory room, is humidity a concern at all? Oh and is it really that green outside for you? Man I'm jealous.
The sump is in the basement I use carbon, 24/7 and phosban. There is a bubbleking skimmer and a RDSB down there as well. No fuge as yet. Hope to do without one but we shall see.
It's winter here too, thats just the hemlock hedge you see thru the windows.
I just got a new camera, a digital SLR so I'm still experimenting with it.
Thanks! I still have a few problems with cyano that keeps cropping up here and there. Hate the stuff.
I just licked a problem with my alkalinity by piggy backing an old calcium reactor on my schuran jetstream. I put ARM media in the old one where the schuran has the bigger stuff. Now it holds steady at 9DKH.
I did construct the stand, but there is no build thread . The stand is just a variation of the "shimmer stand". You can do a search and get the details. I think I spelled it right. It's just concrete blocks and steal I beams. Very simple. I added two center columns to distribute the weight more evenly (there is a basement below) and to hide the plumbing. Then I tiled over it to match the floor.
Two questions:
1. Does plumbing run through one of the columns?
2. Why are two of the four light fixtures so much higher?

Awesome tank by the way!
The water comes up the middle left column and goes down the right one. Electrical for the tunzes comes up thru there as well.
There are only 2 fixtures, the pic is misleading. The silver maristar fixtures can be raised up or lowered down from the white fixtures hanging above them. I didn't know exactly how high I wanted the bulbs to be so I gave myself a lot of leeway. In retrospect, I think I could have made the white ones a little lower, so there would be less space between them and the maristars.
Here is an older but better view of them.
Yeah I remember the build as well. Jealous of the natural light in there... as well as the lack of freeway noise you must have!