I would try lowering the water level a bit, up to 3/4" The booster ring being raised, will raise the water level in the skimmer.
In general, if the skimmer is foaming over, lower the ring, even a bit lower than the top of the pipe, flush still means surface tension and resistance are restricting the exit a little bit. Also lower the water level, the lower the water level, the harder the pump has to work to fill the skimmer so it pumps a bit less air and water. 6.5-7" is generally the ideal water level. Of course closing the air also is an adjustment but you have to keep in mind, less air, means more water.
If the skimmer is not foaming enough, open the air, possibly raise the adjuster ring but a small adjustment is a lot more than you would think, I would not raise the water level past 7.5"
The first thing I would do is look at the intermediate chamber under the cup and see if water is up to the silencer and being sucked in, if so, it is just a surface tension issue and disconnect the silencer so it will skim out the substance causing this, after dumping a few cups, even if they are very watery, this should improve.