A bad day...


New member
Thursday night the GFI in the garage tripped and my tanks were without power for about 20 hours.
By the time I got back home on Friday, the tanks were at barely 20 °C.

Most fish, coral, and inverts actually handled it pretty well even if the fish were a little dazed for a while. But 4 tanks with a lot of algae (which consume oxygen during dark periods) or a high bacterial load ran out of oxygen.

One of my 100-gallon tank's sump tanks had a lot of red algae and nearly everything in it died:

A pair of wideband gobies
One Latezonatus clownfish (captive-bred from Karen)
One ORA Yellow Assessor
One wild Randall's Assessor
A pair of Stenopus scutellatus

A pistol crab, a bunch of hermits, a couple of corals, and the anemones in that tank survived.

In another system with tons of algae, I lost one of my wild yellow assessors while the Yasha gobies, the clown gobies, and the other wild yellow assessor survived.

The most upsetting losses were in my quarantine tanks:
In one I lost a baby Philippine regal angel that was done with QT and scheduled to go into the anemone system that weekend.
In the other, I lost the Red Sea regal I wanted to pair with my Maldives regal.

The only tank that was entirely unaffected was the one with my blue-spot jawfish. Those guys seemed not the slightest bit bothered by this.
So sorry to hear, that sux. I had something similar last year when cleaning people in my office splashed water on my power strip and tripped it. I now run Wyze cameras on all my tanks so I can watch them

My office tank got wipe out when my office cleaning staff-unplug the pump to hook in a vacuum cleaner and did not re-hook it up again. No pump for the weekend and I came in to the office on Monday to a smelly dead tank.

My office tank got wipe out when my office cleaning staff-unplug the pump to hook in a vacuum cleaner and did not re-hook it up again. No pump for the weekend and I came in to the office on Monday to a smelly dead tank.

Sorry to hear it Minh. Anemone tank? It's been 13 years since I lost my 450 to Hurricane Ike. Two Ritts 3 carpets Leucokranos theili reduced to a pile of goo.

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My office tank got wipe out when my office cleaning staff-unplug the pump to hook in a vacuum cleaner and did not re-hook it up again. No pump for the weekend and I came in to the office on Monday to a smelly dead tank.
In a case like that I would have demanded the head of the perp on a silver platter...

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A picture of the carnage:

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That is really horrible-happened to me once but it was one tank instead of everything. I am truly sorry for what you are going through.
Sorry for your losses, we have all been there for one reason or another... tough to pick yourself back up sometimes.
The good thing was that I didn't lose any of my really old fish. I usually try to keep my tanks stocked lightly so that a pump failure or a power outage will not lead to disaster.
The killer in this case was the algae so in the future I will limit those largely to fishless tanks in my systems or to tanks that get enough daylight for photosynthesis even if the power is out.

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Wow. Sorry to hear. At least your Percula clowns survived it seems like
Yes. Even the small one that was with the little Philippines Regal. I paired it with the little one I had with my pair 1 and those two got along well from day one. With them, I have now 4 Solomons percula pairs and 2 Indonesian percula pairs.
The Milii survived it also without a hitch.
Not your favorite place Live Aquaria? I am checking today with my LFS to see if Quality Marine shows them in stock?
$160 small juvenile, coming in on Friday hopefully from QM. They have small adults also
That's a decent price. Where did you find those? It's still a good deal more than I paid for my last Red Sea regal at my lfs, but such small specimen are rare from the Red Sea and the store can't get anything from Djibouti right now.
I've seen the Maldives regals listed at LiveAquaria but I'm not ordering from them anymore due to their new restrictions. In all seriousness, even sick regals that don't eat should hang on for at least 2 weeks.

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