A Great Way to ruin a perfect wall; My 400 Gallon Project

HaHa, well i am glad that it worked out in your favor.

I will definitely be there (IMAC). LOL, I am going to have to go back those pics were posted a long time ago. If I see you, I will say hello!
fishgeeksrus, this may help.

Sure, it doesn't look much different.


As you see, there are 3 return lines that run into the "drip" tray. At the intake, there is a removable drawer that I can place carbon or other media. I line the tray with filter pads. The fourth line on the far left is a shunt to divert the flow from the skimmer to the sump. THis way if I ever need to pull the skimmer off line, the change in output to the tank can't overwealm anything. There is a piece of spa-flex tubing that you can barely see running underneath the stand. That is also comming off of the pump to feed the refugium. I had an extra "refugium" made and hooked it up via bulk heads in series to the main sump. This solved the potential problem of not having enough volume if the tank pumps stopped and drained over the sump. I'm not sure if that was needed, but at least I feel better! The large drain into the sump will be the return from my propagation system that is still yet to be completed. BTW; that is humidity and condensation at the top of the refugium. I have it covered to decrease the amount of evaporation, plus the light sets on top of the acrylic!

Here are some side shots.


LOL, Melev. Thanks Ryan. My trigger system sump is too small for my setup. I emailed them. The pump that was recommended provides too much flow for the particular sump that was sent to me. :( I had to dial back both of my returns that lead back into the tank. This is turn has cut back the flow too much.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7051230#post7051230 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by agarza
One question if you donÃ"šÃ‚´t mind, what is the blue disposable glass for?

I would guess that he is using it to measure his Effluent from his CA reactor... I could be wrong...
Nope Shawn,

You are right on the $$$$. It is my ghetto collection device for my effluent. I will get that changed to something a little nicer sometime soon:( .

I can't wait to see what my tank looks like in a year!!!!!

No problem, as an archetect, you have to be redundant right? :p

Yes it is the calcium reactor effluent pH that we want to measure to control the amount of C02 that is injected into the reactor.
So I got an "update" to my sump with a new effluent try. Since my "party cup" looked ghetto, I wanted something a little nicer. Here are a couple of shots.


and here is what it looks like in use.


At the same time, I became charged with excitement on CHANGE!!Well the enemy of good is excellent; I decided to change my plumbing! I wanted to decrease the amount of microbubbles that I was getting. I thought that if I increased the size of the return line, I could decrease the amount of bubbles. Now the size of the bubbles were not very noticable to begin with. Well to make a long story short, I ended up going full circle after replacing the 1 inch spaflex hose with 1 1/2 inch pool hose. The problem is, I never anticipated a plan b. The silicone inside the pool hose didn't really hold well and I now have increased microbubbles. Oh well. Right now it is only a bandaid! Later I'll do what I set out to do using Spaflex!
Silicone? Pool hose? What does it look like?

I love the little effluent box. Adorable. I wonder who made that... ;)