A Great Way to ruin a perfect wall; My 400 Gallon Project

I honestly would never have considered it a plausible solution for a closed loop. I had a 3' section the HOB overflow box of the 55g, and never modified it.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7143106#post7143106 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by melev
I love the little effluent box. Adorable. I wonder who made that... ;)
Can I have one? :D
I guess I should clarify - I didn't make it. However, the red acrylic is a dead give-away that it was built by Trigger Systems. :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7145297#post7145297 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by melev
I honestly would never have considered it a plausible solution for a closed loop. I had a 3' section the HOB overflow box of the 55g, and never modified it.

I was modifing the overflow drains into the sump; not the closed loop.

Anyway Marc, you never answered Next Dogs question? You didn't make it; but you could :D

What is the shipping to Japan anyway;) :lol:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7146350#post7146350 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by melev
I guess I should clarify - I didn't make it. However, the red acrylic is a dead give-away that it was built by Trigger Systems. :)

Do they make aquariiums...do you have a link, if they have a site?
Is your tank in the dining room wall? I think that would be nice when you have guests over. I love the way the did the access moulding on the top of the tank.
Kelly Marine
<img src="/images/welcome.gif" width="500" height="62"><br><b><i><big><big>To Reef Central</b></i></big></big>
Hi Kathy,

Thanks for posting first in my thread! Yes the tank is in the dining room wall. We don't use the dining room as a formal dining room. What is neat about the floor plan is that the DR, FR and kitchen are pretty much open and flow into each other. THis gives the tank a focal point through out all of the main rooms on the first floor of the house.

So I am getting up to speed on some updates. I have the ACIII up (but not fully functional), the Tunze wave box and a new stream. I need to try to tune that stuff in! Gotta go!:D
Hey humboldt reefer, yes that is a TS500 skimmer. It puts out more based upon what I am feeding. If I don't feed I get about a cup of skimmate a day. When I feed a get about 1/3 more. After a week or so I have to clean it out to increase the output. The thing is easier than ever to clean. I love it. So on with the Trigger system commercial (LOL). I have been waiting to set up a frag system. I had a custom "tank" made with eurobracing. The acrylic is only 1/4 inch thick, but there are little shelfs to secure the egg crate to.


I have been having problems keeping my calcium and Alk high enough with my P.O.S. model reactor, so I got a Trigger systems calcium reactor with a second chamber. This thing is a monster. The second chamber is bigger than my current calcium reactor. I can't wait till I get more media to hook this thing up!


I also have a neat little effluent catching box that hold my pH probe. No more ghetto cup.

Wow, talk about a walking tigger sys commercial. Looks good Ryan. That ca reactor should help out.

What are the dimesions of the frag tank?


dimesions; Yah.. dimesions I should have put that in there Dementia.

THe tank is purdy big. 40X24X20 while the overflow will keep a max depth of 19 inches.


procrastinate? Me procrastinate? Nahhhhhhhhhhhhh. The answer is when I can get you over to help me plumb it LOL. Actually, I have to ask Brent to weld me a stand. Then, I'll get it set up.

I need to plan out how I am going to hook up the plumbing and flow. I am going to set up an external DSB in a bucket for nitrate control. I am going to plumb the whole system together with my main tank. I've mulled over the pros and cons of a separate system.

For flow, I think that I am going to start with a surge set up. I'll have to determine if that is really what I am going to do b/c of room. I may just throw in 2 or 3 vortex pumps (I will have to use vortex pumps because of the room that I have to work with inside the frag system.

For lighting, I don't want to produce much if any heat. Maybe T5's. But I want growth, and I also may very well go with an HQI system. If I use halides, I think that I am going to buy a motorized track from sunlight supply with thier lineal light system. This way, the coral will grow in many directions with the light moving back and forth.:strooper: .

I will have many more days to contemplate what exactly I'm going to do, but I can't wait to get some new media. I'm going to need about 15 pounds to fill this giant chamber up.
Hi Servo,

I have been looking at the Trigger Sys. Skimmers, thinking about getting the TS-800 or 1000. Just curious what pump you are running your TS-500 with?

Hey Sixxer,

Well to continue with the commercial:p :lol: ; I think the craftmanship is excellent and the skimmers are great Becket style skimmers. For the price comparing them to other brands, you can't beat them. I would love to see it compete against a euroreef skimmer.

Hell if you used the dart with a needle wheel, you could run a TS 300 but you would need a supersize collection device. I saw that used on a 20 gallon tank at IMAC and the amount of foam produced was unreal.

I run my skimmer off of my main return a sequence Hammerhead. I have it plummed so one of the feeds of of the manifold runs to the skimmer. I also have it designed that if I ever want to pull the skimmer off line, I can shunt the flow that would have gone to the skimmer back into the sump. This prevents the Hammerhead from "potentially" putting more water into the tank than the 3 overflows can handle.

BTW, Your tank is looking good! That thing makes mine look like a 60 gallon tank.
Ryan, that looks really nice. Brent's welding for you now? That's nice!

Why did you make the prop tank so tall?