A Great Way to ruin a perfect wall; My 400 Gallon Project

I just wanted to see if you had any new photos of how things are looking in your tank?
I also was wondering if you had it to do over again, would you use external overflows? If so why?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Physiatrist = pain management specialist.

Russ [/B][/QUOTE]

its physical therapy medicine specialist . or most pt with phd.
sorry i was reading this thread for the first time.. wonderful tank by the way i am just restaring my 300 .
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13302222#post13302222 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bullitr
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Physiatrist = pain management specialist.


Physiatrists, or rehabilitation physicians,
are licensed medical doctors, not Ph.D's, who may treat:

Rheumatoid Arthritis
Back Pain
Brain Injuries
Cardiac Rehabilitation
Geriatric Rehabilitation
Neck Pain
Nerve Pain
Ulnar Neuropathy (Wrist Pain in Bicyclists)
Pediatric Rehabilitation
Post-Polio Syndrome
Spinal Cord Injuries
Sports-Related Injuries
Women’s Conditions
Female Athlete Triad
Pelvic Pain
Pregnancy and Back Pain
Work-Related Injuries
Experts at diagnosing and treating pain
Restore maximum function lost through injury,
illness or disabling conditions
Treat the whole person, not just the problem area
Lead a team of medical professionals
Provide non-surgical treatments
Explain your medical problems and treatment plan
Work not only on treatment but also prevention

(see, http://www.aapmr.org/condtreat/what.htm)

Hence, they are they are physicians (MD/DO) who have gone to medical or osteopathic school. They may have an additional doctorate (Ph.D); but their terminal degree is the MD.

Howard A. Rusk (1901-1989) was a prominent physician and founder of the Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine at the NYU School of Medicine in NYC. He was considered to be the founder of rehabilitation medicine. Rusk was active in the Health for Peace movement in the 1950s and supported US efforts to participate more in rehabilitation medicine in international affairs. He was the first recipient of the Pacem in Terris award of the Pope John Paul II Center of Prayer and Study for Peace (see, wikipedia).

I was fortunate to meet him as a medical student back in 1985.

BTW, I have enjoyed this thread since the first day. This is a gorgeous and well thought-out tank.

Dr. A
Thanks enamdjd! Saves the fingers.

I'm a spine specialist. That's simpler

Wow, this is the most active my thread has been in ages:D .

My tank looks great except

1) Montipora eating nudi's
2) Hydroids:mad:

My corals look great. I don't have a good camera that can capture the beauty of the corals.

Dolt, I would absolutely use an external overflow to free up space in the tank for aquascaping but also for light transfer. The stupid Overflows hang out a significant distance and blocks light to some extent.

I'll post some crappy pictures when I get back from MACNA!
I credit my physiatrist with saving my life. She was the ONLY doctor I came into contact with that really understood the body and mind interface. A brilliant woman IMO.

Thanks for the awesome thread, very inspirational. I picked up more that a few ideas for my upcoming peninsula build (and even more questions). I hope you're having a great time at MACNA. I wanted to go myself but unfortunately I couldn't get a partner to cover 48 hours of in-house call. Oh well, at least things were slow enough for me read all 31 pages.

I've been thinking of in-tank overflows at one end of a 72x36" or 96x36" tank. The other possibility was to have a large 4-sided overflow box right in the middle of the tank. Any thoughts on this approach?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13304328#post13304328 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by GoToSleep

Thanks for the awesome thread, very inspirational. I picked up more that a few ideas for my upcoming peninsula build (and even more questions). I hope you're having a great time at MACNA. I wanted to go myself but unfortunately I couldn't get a partner to cover 48 hours of in-house call. Oh well, at least things were slow enough for me read all 31 pages.

I've been thinking of in-tank overflows at one end of a 72x36" or 96x36" tank. The other possibility was to have a large 4-sided overflow box right in the middle of the tank. Any thoughts on this approach?

Peninsulas can be a challenge. If you place the overflow in the center, IMO, it really limits what you can do from the standpoint of aquascaping. Another other issue is flow. THe center overflow really creates minimal options where to place your powerheads/streams/vortexs etc, so you in essence end up creating a whirlpool of circular flow. IMHO, I wouldn't have a large tank with a central overflow. Esthetically, you lose the best view of a tank as well. The 72 or 96" will look great from the end, but not with a pile of rocks hiding the central overflow.

I am really having a challenge trying to decide about integrating this

Do it Ryan. Do it. My next tank will have some type of solar tubes/light tunnel. So you need to be the guinea pig first.

I need to stop over with my camera and photobox one afternoon.

I am really having a challenge trying to decide about integrating this

http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&postid=13212347#post13212347 [/B]

Who quotes themselves?:rolleyes: but I would have to change the title of my build to "how to ruin a perfect ceiling";)

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13314488#post13314488 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by melev
Ryan, you didn't mention your newest addition in your post. How's it doing? :D

Are you talking about my Kalk reactor? I haven't purchased anything in a while. I am going to add a twin spot hogfish to help with my nudibranchs. I have some KMO4 but I don't have a small scale to measure with.

I plan on adding sand to my frag tank and getting it cleaned up. It currently is pitiful
adding a dc8 to my system to help control a few more electronics
and possibly adding a 4th 400 watt 10 bulb over the system. Hmmmmm.

I really really want to go solatube. If I was a little more handy......:confused:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13313623#post13313623 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Chrisrush
Do it Ryan. Do it. My next tank will have some type of solar tubes/light tunnel. So you need to be the guinea pig first.

I need to stop over with my camera and photobox one afternoon.

You know you are always welcome!!!! I have no plans this weekend! Bring your swim suit!

I am in the mental stages of moving. My next tank is going to really be impressive, but additionally I will have them place a south facing sun room that has multiple solatubes. I am going to see if I can run a small propagation room.

I am really really worried about what is going to happen to our reefs and ultimately our hobby in the next 10-15 years! This years MACNA really had a strong emphasis on how are earth is rapidly changing. Dr. Sylvia Earle and Dr. Nancy Knowlton (either one should have been the keynote for the banquet) gave an eerie oversight on what will likely occur given the current die off, climate changes, coral disease, pollution, overfishing, coastal development and acidification of the ocean to name a few. We all need to take it upon ourselves to help sustain our hobby internally. We may have no choice.

Sorry for the soapbox, but with potential options of using solar energy, a healthy sustainable stable system is becoming cheaper and cheaper.:mixed: Well see what happens, again, I post some updated pictures when I get back from MACNA. I am at my parents in Tennessee. We will leave for Texas in the Morning.:rolleye1: I'm dreading the drive.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13314678#post13314678 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnarowe
You've shown you are pretty handy already, and what's the big deal? It's just the roof! :D

Jonathan, the only tools that I am handy with are surgical tools! We measure 4-5 times and cut once.:D
You know you can always hire a roofer to come fix it if you FUBAR it. If I was going to choose between a roofer and a surgeon, I would choose the surgeon every time! :lol:
Ryan, I was talking about your newest reefling - the mantis.

How on earth could your forget that?

You can't move - that swimming pool that you built needs to be well-used first. :fish1: