a power filter refugium?

Re: a power filter refugium?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6514282#post6514282 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by The Reefer91
i heard this idea about using a power filter as a refugium. is this possible? if i did try it, i'd probably use this one


That's the one I use. Works well, IMO. If you can get the search to work, look up "AC fuge mod" or something similar. There are a few step-by-step threads on RC somewhere.
Its done all the time by those of us that have NANO and PICO tanks. The best hob type is the Aqua Clear brand since they have somewhat larger filtration areas used for live rock and sand and macro algae. The AC70 and the 110 models are the most popular models.....A few baffles cut from the included filter media basket that comes with the AC hob's held in place with MArine Goop does the trick.